I once saw a cairn about halfway up the mountain and added a rock to it. That’s kind of what cairns are, very few people will ‘build’ a full cairn, usually it’s just about adding a single stone as you pass. Like a souvenir that you don’t take with you, they’re a mark of the people who have passed through. This particular cairn probably marked the work of about 50 people. There’s a sense of community with your fellow cairn contributors, you’ve all traversed the same route and added to the same pile.
Anyway, I’m 100 yards higher and I turn to see someone coming up behind, who proceeded to kick over the cairn. Needless to say I waited til he came closer and beat the shit out of him. Then I proceeded to leave him there, unable to walk on that leg and certainly unable to kick over any other cairns.
This was not a remote area, he was in no danger of death. Killing someone over a pile of rocks would be insane. But it certainly taught the vandal a lesson.
I strongly advise the same teaching method be used on all cairn kickers.
>your cairn kicker rage only makes my dick harder
>inb4 leave no trace type arguments that are being applied to a pile of rocks