>>1227330i use OsmAnd+
because i can use the the free OpenStreetMaps. that amazingly accurate and have a million details. they are vector maps you can use it for offline navigation. the maps can be downloaded by region or country. but they need a bit of data space if you want all the crazy details. you can also use 2 maps at the same time and switch with a transparency slide between overlay and underlay map.
for example california its:
streets only is 268 MB standart is 602 MB and to this you can add relief 120MB, wikipedia 148MB and contour lines 408MB.
stuff like wikipedia is great for tours in unknown but historical regions as it adds offline articles to you map. so if the the waterfall you are standing in front has a article you can read up on it. and the meadow next to you might have been a 15 century battlefield.
and being open like wikipedia the maps are crazy good. if the local call enthusiasts work on them they have so much detail. like street quality and surface type, post boxes, shops, street lights, camping spots, public transport, maut payments, building shape and type street lighting, restrooms, museums, Park stations with opening times and phone numbers. Foliage type. routes for horses, MTB, alpine (sac), and you can add your own Map notes like photo, video, audio, text.
if online connected buddy beacon, Bing satellite maps, mapillary work too.
it has some feature like ocean maps and ski maps but i haven't used them yet.
IIRC the the first 10 maps are free then you need to buy the app.
here is a example for the maps with Jomsom a smallish village on the Annapurna circuit in Nepal
https://www.openstreetmap.de/karte.html?zoom=17&lat=28.78234&lon=83.72528&layers=B000TTfrom time to time i also used Viewranger as it can display tours of other people and can access the same maps.