>>1225517Redid my calculations for white instead of brown rice:
Ok I'm going to do some calorie and macro maths for OP, which he could have done by himself. I'm gonna assume he's gonna do manual labour and wants extra calories so he doesn't waste away.
10 months x 30 days in a month x 3000 calories per day = 900,000 calories.
58% of your calories should come from carbs, 25% from fat, and 17% from protein. Carbs and protein provide 400 calories per 100g, fats 900 per 100g.
Your staples are going to be white rice, kidney beans, and white bread flour. Cereal grains plus legumes give you a complete amino-acid profile. Any meat you acquire through fishing or hunting is supplemental but not required to remain healthy.
You are going to bake a loaf of sourdough bread every 4 days. You will bring with you a 1 kg sourdough starter made with a 1:1 weight ratio of flour to water. The bread will consist of 500g of flour, 1 tsp of salt, 300g of your sourdough starter. After mixing the dough you will add 150g of flour and 150g of water to your starter. I am not going to teach you how to bake the bread.
Your daily ration of bread provides you with 634 calories and equals 159 grams of flour, 116 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fats and 19 grams of protein. During your whole stay this will be 34,800, 900, and 5700 grams respectively.
You now have 3000 - 634 = 2366 calories left. Your daily rice and beans are 1 cup of rice and 1/2 lbs of beans. That’s 1454 calories, 283 grams of carbs, 32 grams of fat, and 70 grams of protein. Over 300 days this is 84,750, 2391, and 20904 grams.