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Vision Quest / Two Week Trip

No.1230316 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been camping and outdoors most my life. Recently, though, after moving in with my girlfriend in the city, I've had little chance between work, gf-time, hobbies, etc.
However, I've managed to save up enough money to where we can pay off the rest of our rent lease. We plan on moving in with her grandparents (they are rich) in August and between now and then, I figure I should take advantage of the time and do something I always wanted to do: a long trip around the USA ending in a Vision Quest.

I'm not sure on the details of the trip, but I've been studying how, why, and when to go on a Vision Quest and I think its the opportune time.

>>Where would YOU go for a Vision Quest in the wilderness and what sites would you travel to around the country beforehand??