>>1248442>>1248489>>1248497Go to a big box store, fast food store, or gas station. Portray yourself as innocent, straightedge, hard working ass kisser. If you look scruffy or have a criminal record or something, be honest and upfront about it and say you're trying to turn your life around.
When you have the job, bust your fucking ass. Do that minimum wage job like you're being paid $100 an hour--especially when your manager is looking. Kiss your manager's ass shamelessly. When the company fucks you over somehow, bend over and take it with a smile on your face. If they ask you to cover someone's shift or come in at an inconvenient time, fucking do it. Have no self-respect or sense of fairness, be that company's bitch.
Keep that up for like a year. Then, you can get something else with ease, even something you normally wouldn't be qualified for. Nothing gets a job faster than a really over-the-top glowing reference from a supervisor. I did that in high school, but it's never too late.