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Favorite underrepresented biomes

!SKELTAL6Cg No.1245351 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
For me, it's gotta be the Tennessee style Cedar Glade. Basically it's areas innawoods where the rock of the Earth is very close to the surface and trees cannot grow which leads to the area turning into a miniature desert in the middle of a forest. Exposed rock, very light vegetation, especially hot due to no trees and everything gets a sort of bleached feel to it. Before some fags started an effort to preserve them, people used them as dumping grounds since nothing grows there. Even now you can find some cool old shit dumped at a lot of them like old cars

Cedar glades get very little love but I think they're cool:
>experience a desert environment without having to go to desert
>a nice break from the woods when hiking, sort of like a little oasis
>when settling, would have been a very nice place to homestead
>many species of plants are envasive exclusively to cedar glades (something like 30 iirc)
>very wet during winter like a swamp and very dry during summer
>didn't know cactuses even lived in Tennessee until I visited cedar glades

What's your favorite land type that gets no love, /out/?