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What should I pack for a laid back 4-6 hour hike with girl I like?

No.1260198 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've gotten into a situation I absolutely never though I'd get myself into the other day.

> Be in high school
> Like a girl
>Start messaging girl I like
>Actually responds
>Start talking regularly, likes outdoors too
>Am pussy so mostly get rejected, scared to ask her out
>Live in major city, both of us hate it, say I'm going to a place just outside said major city for a day trip
>She says it is nice where i'm going
>Fuck it, ask her to come and prepare for rejection
>"Yeah, sure."
>Fuck. Didn't plan this far.

Have been on quite a few hikes before but I don't plan them and with more experienced people, what should I pack in order to make sure the trip isn't a complete fucking disaster.

Am a newfag on /out/ and probably sound like a bitch but still looking for advice.

Pic is of place where I am going, really nice there.