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No.1260948 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
That day I went hiking on a lonesome island in Maine, everithing was nice and chill, lovely sun, still weather, beautiful forests all around. Then after some time I stumbled upon a strange place with stick piles and figures across the area, It seemed so weird to me, since I've never encountered anything like that before, and those stick figures reminded me of an old movie, about first British settlers in Blair county, New England. I took a walk among those trees and tried to videotape that place a bit. With every step I was taking, almost in a semi delusional state, the deeper I was entering that maze, I was feeling more and more worried, endangered, there was something very strange about that feeling, as if something was calling me to go further and further, and I coudn't resist, despite the rising fear. Then suddenly the thunder-like crashing noise fell upon me from the clear blue skyes, I looked above, nothing... there was nothing at all!