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I became interested in the ancient Greeks and their mode of life, particularly their clothing. I've often felt envious of buddhist monks, muslims in their traditional garb, etc. because their clothing seems as though it should be very comfortable, in the feel of the fabric, facilitating ventilation, and protecting the skin from the sun. Thinking about this naturally led me to the realities of traveling in the ancient world. Wearing a chiton, and perhaps a himation to layer over it during the night, seems as though it would have been accommodating for travel during the summers in the Mediterranean climate zone. Thinking of this it seemed as though it could be a fun project to pursue, to recreate primitive overland travel. We have plenty of sources on primitive survival and techniques, particularly when establishing a settlement as in the videos of Primitive Technology or Far North Bushcraft on Youtube, but not much for historical reconstruction of traveling techniques. So I have decided to give it a go. If anyone has advice or interest in this, leave a comment in the thread.