>>1261967>>1261979>>1261985I agree with all of these. I've spoken to den mothers before who say they are a little disappointed that the GSA doesn't really have nearly as much adventuring or outdoor hands-on activities (and might I add the GSA dens or whatever the groups are called actually receive such a tiny fraction from cookie sales it is appalling), and as an Eagle Scout myself it hurts to see a large group of kids unable to be able to acquire the skills I did when I was that age. Now with this change, that is eliminated and anyone can be a scout and get involved with the program.
I do worry, as
>>1261979 said, this may be a bit counter-intuitive for the development of these kids as they won't get the "boys life" experience by being around more of their own. I pray that my thinking is old fashioned and it wont make a shred of difference. In my old troop you had your share of cool funny kids and the dweeby mammas boys. I assume girls could fit those roles too, but at an adolescent age, hormones might cause boys to act differently on a primal subconscious level. And that's not even getting into the possibility of potential sexual difficulties they have.
The "no one-on-one" rule with adults and scouts isn't too hard to maintain in a scouting environment, but I worry they potential additional rules they put in place similarly might make things very difficult.
Also, not to make a big deal of it, but I pray this doesn't spark another pedophilia controversy from this.
OP is a baiting /pol/luck faggot and deserves to be called out for trying to start shit. Not even getting a (you).