>>1276607You're retarded, it shows that you've actually not looked into the research yourself, or else you'd see that spray is not really that effective. Not long ago a guy was able to drop a cougar that was hauling ass at him, he was able to get a single shot off and killed it from about seven feet away. Plus have you ever used spray before? There is a very high chance that the spray will have some blow back, will get into your eyes, now you're fucked and all the while praying that the animal is not coming at you still. Depending what gun you use, you can use it as a melee weapon, or a tool to help keep distance. Also they make a chest holster for pistols that you can access quicker than you can your spray, don't need to pull any pins (Which people have forgot to do, or were unable to when they got attacked) can easily be used with one hand. If you're like my uncle, his Smith and Wesson 500, loaded with 700 grain handloads which has been proven to kill full grown brown bear with a single shot, which he has. He shot the burr, he went to check on it and it was still not dead, burr was able to swipe his leg and leave a huge gash, uncle popped it the head. Also there are people who hunt full size brown with just that handcannon alone. Spray is nice if you dont actually train with your gun (Which a lot of ppl don't do) if you do, have good heavy hitting rounds, gun is def the way to go. Before you get your panties in a bunch, a study was done that involved a lot of guides, both in Alaska and other places around the world, almost all of them went with a gun over spray. They're guides, these fuckers encounter all sorts of wild life that can easily kill you, they've killed more of them than you ever will.