Feel free to post tobaccos (no weed allowed), pipes, collections, pics of favorite combos for going /out/, pics of what you're doing with your pipe and any questions you might have.
Want to get into smoking pipes without spending too much cash?
Get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend corncob pipe and a pouch of either Prince Albert, Carter Hall or Half and Half tobacco, available at most drugstores.
What you'll need: pipe, tobacco, lighter or matches, pipe cleaners, and either a regular old nail or a pipe tool (combination tamper, scoop, and small pick).
All of these together should run you less than $20.
Having trouble keeping your pipe lit? Fill it with less tobacco and smoke it slower than you think you need to, lightly tamping as needed when the smoke starts thinning out.
If you're still having trouble, try filling your pipe this way:
https://youtu.be/0XHYPso7TXs Old thread
>>1260528 Come on in and get comfy.
I dont think i can ever go back to Briar after smoking a Meerschaum. They're just too good.
I’ve been smoking pipe a few times a week for a few months now, and I’ve picked up inhaling and like it for the high and the flavour. What’s so bad about it aside from the unorthodoxy of it?
>>1282550 The lung damage.
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>>1282550 don't inhale just learn to retrohale . It's a technique where you take the smoke to the back of your mouth and exhale with your nose .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgMUfYhdHE8 Anonymous
>>1282571 >>1282576 How bad is this in contrast to cigarettes?
>>1282811 Mouth cancer vs lung cancer, either way you win.
Don't worry about gay-ass shit like dying, nobody lives forever, think of it as proactively cutting out the shitty years of your life.
But seriously, once it's taking more out of you than your getting out of it, then it's time to chill, until then, enjoy.
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>>1282811 The air outside over here is going to kill me anyway so smoking pipe 2-3/week won't do much to me but it's advise that you don't inhale the smoke [spoiler:lit]you degenerate[/spoiler:lit].
Welcome to the hobby lad.
>no weed allowed. Fucking virgins.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1282837 anyone know when MM is going to restock their churchwarden bits? They've been out for yonks now
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1282841 No idea. Write them an Email?
I love that my meerschaum is colouring at the base and not at the top. Looks sexy as fack sorta looks like old leather.
>>1282841 I've been looking to buy one of the Cobbits from them too.
Anyone have any recommendations of places to buy pipes for an ausfag?
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>>1282811 If you inhale it’s directly comparable.
If you don’t, cigarettes are about 30x worse.
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4noggins and smoking pipes still have Bengal slices for sale. Get them before all those old pipe fags buy them all up.
>>1282330 mediocre beer taste but otherwise a gentleman of refined taste in all things
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>>1283176 ya canned Guinness is meh I prefer it on tap. Favorite is still Hacker Pschorr Munich Gold.
>>1282864 The US dude. Pretty sure our plain packaging laws block
com.au websites from even showing pictures of the pipes, so either import them from the states or see if you can find what you already have in mind on a local site
>>1283333 Otherwise eBay has some gear, or art sites like Etsy, some local sites are
cigars.com.au they have plenty of range, but I generally import them direct from the manufacturer in the us or europe
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Here’s your pipe, bro
Is it me or is bells three nuns mediocre at best. Whats the deal witha ll the hype.
Of I saw someone /out/ with a pipe, and nobody else was around I would bully them, then I would poop in my hand and throw my poo at them.
>>1283432 I guess we’re safe, then.
Especially seeing as you never go outside.
>>1283432 >then I would poop in my hand This is the only part I believe.
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i just strolled across the reddit pipe page and holy shit are they cringey as fuck. Seems like they don't even like smoking pipe tobacco but just think they look cool posting their pipe next to some pretentious book that they;ll never read and some beverage.
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Damn really not a fan of light tobacco like GMP, can't taste shit.
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>>1283562 What are the best tobaccos accessible in Australia? So far I have amphora and Dr Pat, and I prefer amphora. Anyone got some clues?
>>1283449 >>1283450 >>1283458 Better hope you don't pull out a pipe in my hood.
Nerds get the turd.
>>1283767 How would you know?
You never set foot outside.
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>>1282834 Weed is for faggots
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1282306 ayy kupilka, noice
>>1282330 Dear lord what kind of bastardised meal are you having? Looks like an abomination.
And what the heck is Guinness Blonde? Their attempt at grabbing a share of the US market or something?
>>1282837 Looks comfy... what are you out fishing for? Hornfisk (garfish) or?
And screw my students for having exams when I should be out enjoying the weather and fishing. Only slightly jealous of you right now.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1283844 >what are you out fishing for? Hornfisk (garfish) or? Wasn't actually out for something specific, was out to teach a buddy of mine to fish for the first time, he was pretty hooked (pun intended)
Then I went further on to hike around a bit and an overnighter with the hammock, very good times
>>1283875 Garfish are good to start with. Almost guaranteed to catch them when they are in season. Tasty as well.
Then later you can teach him to appreciate just being by the water with a rod in the cold rain for hours on end catching nothing.
Out curiosity where in Denmark are you from?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1283907 Catfish would have been nice, would have been good if I remembered to bring those special hooks specifically for them without any actual hooks so we wouldn't have cought so much seaweed!
Also, to keep it /pipegen/ related, it's actually that friend of mine who had his grandpa's Stanwells restores last year
I'm In Copenhagen, can't escape for atleast 2 years due to education
>>1282306 I like seeing a pipe without weed in it so much. Too many fags around now on the Internet.
>>1283959 I hate when people ask me if i'm smoking weed when smoking in public. It's fucking illegal for god's sake.
>>1284054 When I came back to leafland from my road trip in the US, the Canadian border guard, upon rifling through my stuff and fondling all the nooks and crannies in my car, asked me what I smoked out of my pipe. I told him, and his eyes lit up and he said (actual quote)
>so you wouldn't mind if I go inside and check this for drug residue? He came back 5 minutes later visibly disappointed, tossed my pipe on my luggage and told me I could be on my way.
Asshole border guards aside, since when have pot smokers ever used tobacco pipes? The bowl seems far too big.
>>1284142 Losers with too much pot.
Only ever known one person to openly smoke pot through a pipe and he's an absolute dirtbag. Wouldn't trust him to take care of a brick.
Back when I was about 25 and first started getting into pipes my ma came over and found my pipe collection in a neat little set on a table with some tobacco cans next to it. Destroyed it all and started screaming about how I'm a worthless junkie, how my wife should leave me, and how I should lose custody of my kids. Took about an hour to calm her down and explain what pipes are used for. It's really sad how the art of pipes is getting commonly reduced to this.
>>1284149 Ya tell me about it. I keep getting all these death stares while smoking my pipe in my car to work.
>>1284311 I only smoke a pipe when /out/ so I’m not flicking butts into pretty places. I think it’s a little odd to smoke one in a car.
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>>1284313 Different anon here, but I commute for an hour and a half, twice a week as I have family in another town. Playing some good music and cruising down the country highways with my pipe in mouth is very special.
okay. so, what are the most /out/ tobacos? i generally like more musky stuff
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>>1284510 G l Pease quiet nights
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1282853 My meerschaum is colouring in nicely
How do you maintain the sheen? Bees wax?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1284528 ant this is the original sales pic
"created 1. march 2017"
i honestly dont smoke a lot. but, how fast does coloring actually happen?
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Shipment came in
>>1284528 Yep. Sometimes I buff with olive oil too
4 tins of Samuel gawith Brown sugar flake!!
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Beautiful stufff
I'm so miserable the happiest part of my day is puffing on piece of wood and larping as a Victorian gentlemen.>Don't bother me Jeeves, I'm smoking my pipe *puff* *puff*
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>>1284537 Doesn't happen that fast. my pipe is from the 60's
>>1284619 You're allowed to smoke at work?
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>>1284625 Nope. I just got it out to take a picture.
I usually smoke on my way home.
Can you imagine whipping this out at the smoking pit at work.
I want this pipe so bad but its 330 dollarss ffuuuuuuu
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1284610 >buff mechanically?
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>>1284639 no i just hand buff with a cloth
Does anyone want to talk about an undiscussed topic? Nicotine isn't actually addictive. My love affair with tobacco stems from a lifelong smoking fetish, and I've intentionally tried to get addicted numerous times. The longest being almost up to a pack a day for 3 months. I can quit cold turkey with very little effort. In my opinion, anyone who's addicted to nicotine is an incredibly weak-willed bitch with absolutely no intention of quitting. I've quite about 9 times without even trying. Maybe it's just me, but I legitimately don't understand how someone who actually WANTS to quit can't quit. The truth is they DON'T want to quit. That's the truth about nicotine addiction. People simply DON'T want to quit.
>>1284649 People are more/less tolerant to substances, don’t assume your experience is universal. That’s being a faggot.
Also, Marlboro/brand cigarettes have way more nicotine in them than natural tobacco
>>1284649 Either trolling or doesnt know what addiction means.
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>>1284528 Beeswax is the recommended finish, yes.
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>>1284633 With the texture from the carving, it almost looks like a cob...
>>1284651 I get how people can get accustomed to the habit. It gets you off your ass and socialising with other junkies. That aspect I understand. But nicotine itself isn't responsible for much. I think the vast majority of the time a smoker says they'll quit, they're just talking shit to win some brownie points.
Maybe I'm especially resilient to nicotine, but my experience with it has made me far less sympathetic to the claims of smokers.
There are people who smoke as few as 5 cigs a day and pretend they're addicted. Either they're 10x more sensitive to nicotine than I am, or they're making it up.
Anyone who wants to quit can quit.
>>1284655 Anonymous
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>>1283844 >And what the heck is Guinness Blonde? Their attempt at grabbing a share of the US market or something? Nah, that would be their nitro IPA, which is, unsurprisingly, shit. Also that meal looks delicious imo.
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>>1284649 It doesn’t cause a physical dependency like heroin does, but nicotine is addictive, and this is quite well established.
Nobody has seriously argued that fact for over 20 years, not even tobacco companies. That you can quit easily may be convenient for you, but it is not a universal experience.
>>1284659 I somewhat agree. Used to smoke cigs then quit cold turkey. Several years later started again due to a dumb bitch, and even got to smoking like 2 packs a day and was busy as fuck with all sorts of stressful shit, still managed to just be like this shit is dumb I'm done, and just stopped.
Same with a pipe some of the tobacco I smoke is fucking intense with an assload of nicotine but I'm not addicted at all, can just stop smoking whenever and some of my favorites are light as hell with almost no nicotine but I find smoking them just as satisfying if not more than the hard hitting ones.
I've realized I have a pretty non-addictive personality though. Also my cheapness helps, I fucking hated wasting so much on cigs and that probably helped a lot in stopping truth be told lol.
>>1284666 I kept telling myself I had an non-addictive personality when I started getting into drugs. Took 7 years for me to hit rock bottom and go to rehab. Guess what everyone in there had in common, except a fucked up childhood...Delusions about their «Non-addictive personalities»
Smoking pipe is not addictive right? I smoke everyday for a month and then quit for almost 2 weeks now because i fucked up my tobacco. I feel absolutely normal.
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>>1282822 Hey I've seen this gif before
>>1284763 ya i go sometimes months without smoking . Usually in the summer when i feel like its too hot to smoke a pipe.
>>1284676 Yeah but I've tried plenty of drugs in the past and currently don't do any nor have I done any in over a decade with the exception of briefly smoking cigarettes that I mentioned, pipe tobacco, and normal stuff like coffee and occasional alcohol. Oh and I ate some pot chocolate one time in Nevada because they had just legalized it.
I guess I just don't really like drugs.
>>1284812 >Usually in the summer when i feel like its too hot to smoke a pipe. I hate you.
t. Canadian
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>>1284916 i envy you
t. floridian
has anyone every experimented with stoving their tobacco?
>>1285060 Yeah, it create a bigger ember.
>>1285060 I’ve considered it, but I trust the manufacturer knows better than an amateur like me. If they thought their blend was better for it, they could just bake it into the manufacturing process. That being said - theres no small number of people that swear by it, so it obviously has some merit. Maybe a good solution if you have a tin of something you don’t really like?
Im going to dry some Gawith 1972 out overnight and pick it up in the morning. Tonquin is a strange beast, and its apparently quite high in nicotine, but I wanted something stronger (and not latakia-heavy) to take /out/, so this might fit the bill.
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>>1285232 >>1285099 ya dont do it i just did 2 cans and it turned out like shit.
>>1285409 laziest attempt at trolling I've seen so far
SMOKING A FUCKING PIPE AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH Sat 02 Jun 2018 22:26:02 No. 1285414 Report >>1285411 >he said while puffing on his corn cob pipe like a gentleman holy fucking i am fucking dying hahahahahaha
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>>1285409 >>cosplaying as a puritan in colonial williamsburg i kek'd ill admit it.
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>>1285409 >posing as a puritanical moralist >on 4chan You’re not very good at this, are you?
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>>1285414 >corn cob pipe >gentleman Pick one.
>>1285302 This was a mistake.
>>1285777 kek what happened?
>>1284149 >ma came over and found my pipe collection in a neat little set on a table with some tobacco cans next to it. Destroyed it all and started screaming about how I'm a worthless junkie... whats actually sad is that your mother felt like it was acceptable behavior for an adult and as a parent of an adult to enter someone elses domicile, ignorantly pass judgement, and proceed to destroy private property based on that ignorance. Further, even if you were smoking pot, at 25 it should really be your choice and if you were she still wouldnt have a right to destroy your property
Now I dont smoke pot and I try not to make a habit of hanging out with those who do but your mother has a problem and I hope you either slapped some sense into her or put some serious distance in that relationship and also made her pay for what she destroyed
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>>1285805 not him but if I had to guess the nicotine made him dizzy and nauseous
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>>1284676 despite what you were told in rehab, non addictive personalities do exist
>>1284628 a beautiful work of completely useless art
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>>1284537 meerschaum is porous and overtime will collect paticulate from smoke and tobacco and replace the beeswax in the poors, as well as dirt and bodily oils that will discolor it
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>>1285848 >completely useless art you can smoke it though ...
New to smoking. Just ordered some Dunhill my mixture 965 and elizaebethan mixture. I've heard these are both really good so might as well try them. I have Nightcap but being an inexperienced smoker, it is somewhat hard to smoke without getting sick or it just overpowering my senses, though last night I really enjoyed just a half bowl of Nightcap. But hopefully these other blends will be good as well. I also wanna try some D&C blends. Any that are must tries?
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>>1286008 Sorry, C&D blends. Cornell & Diehl. Not D&D.
>>1286008 G.L Pease is a better blender than the guy who blends for the Cornell & Diehl main lines. I recommend Union Square its top notch stuff.
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>>1286031 For sure going to check out. G. L. Pease. I'm surprised I've never heard of it before.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1286041 i love when the sardines are already separated and bones removed. Herring is still my favorite tho
>>1285805 I honestly thought it was beef jerky and it made me really sick.
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>>1286041 An Old Fashioned or a Gin & Tonic, depending on how hot it is outside.
So, I just felt like bragging to people who would understand that this is a brag: I just got an 8oz bag of Esoterica Margate and Stonehaven, as well as 2oz of And so to Bed at just above MSRP. My tobacconist is god damned amazing.
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>>1286008 C&D Night Train and After Hours are my favorites by them. They're very sweet, but not cloying.
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>>1286391 Only a handful of pretentious idiots on the internet care what pipe tobacco you smoke.
No one gives a fuck if you're smoking Super Value or Esoterica Tobbaciana. It matters to literally no one.
My fucking tobacco sprouts won't grow larger than they are right now. They have been the exact same size for over a week and are still small. Like a little bigger than the eraser of a pencil diameter wise, the two leaves. When will they grow?
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>>1286458 No clue, but I know when the flower grows, you're supposed to cut it off. Don't forget to castrate the it when it starts to develop genitalia.
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>>1286458 They love heat, sunlight, and a little moisture in the soil. So if you’ve got all of that just wait. They will grow.
>>1286391 >I just got an 8oz bag of overpriced Squadron Leader Ftfy
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>>1286620 I live in Southern California.
Burley only. Post your favorite burley forward blends. Best ive found is the Solani 656 flake. I'll straight dip that stuff its so good. Any /burleybros/ can top this?
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>>1286939 Haunted Bookshop is good too.
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>>1286939 and Old Joe Krantz
Went fishing today thankfully tobacco works as bug spray
People who hate lakeland blends are the same people who hate ketchup fuck off it's great.
>>1287038 Honestly, lakeland is fine in small quantities. But it smells identical to the shitty floral ket/candy my great auntie used to keep. Which is odd, but easy enough to look past. My real issue is that it soaks into the pipe and takes at least one bowl before the smell fades, which means if I go from Ennerdale to Erinmore, I get this shitty mix of pineapple and floral gums.
>>1282306 Ausfag here. Where can I get a pipe for less than $45? Or is it just impossible? Only one I've found was a shite $60 pipe that looked pretty overpriced.
>>1287094 Unless they marked up the price 500% due to taxes and shit, a mm should run you $15-20
>>1283875 Avedoreværket forude, ligner Sydhavnstippen til hojre – overnattede på Fælleden?
>>1286102 ...You ate your own flake tobacco?
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>>1287108 buy from US and pay the $16 postage my dude
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Just got my first briar, its a cheapo with the brand name 'MAC ARTHUR' on the side and some kind of black coating on the inside, I assume this to be to help with forming a cake? either way I got it so I could learn to use a briar without trashing a nice one, so I'm not to worried, anything I should keep in mind about briar pipes vs corncobs though? I know to be more gentle when I clean the bowl so a cake can form and that I should smoke the same tobacco in it to prevent ghosting, but I just thought I'd ask if there's anything else
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>>1287316 Just smoke it and clean it after you smoke.
>>1287316 Don't worry so much. People make a bigger deal of pipe smoking than necessary. It's a bit of wood with a couple holes in it, in which you suck on smoldering leaves. There's little tricks to it that will make it slightly easier, but shit like break-in is a waste of time.
>>1287378 >break-in is a waste of time Anonymous
>>1287466 It literally is. I've never "broken in" any pipes I've ever had. I just smoked them like normal, and they caked just fine.
>>1287491 That's what breaking in is you idiot. It's a period of time where the pipe smokes worse than normally due to a lack of cake.
>>1287552 No. Breaking in a pipe commonly involves smoking partially filled bowls and increasing the amount of tobacco progressively, or alternating between half and full bowls, or any other bullshit methods until a cake is built up. There's also an associated paranoia of the pipe cracking or something until the pipe is broken in.
It's all nonsense. You just smoke it like normal, and it will cake up fine.
>>1287554 You are both semi-correct. Breaking a pipe in is the period of time when the pipe builds up a cake. That's it. Now shut up faggots
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>>1287466 It absolutely is.
All you’re really doing with “break-in” is charring away the little fuzzy bits at the end of the drilling of the airway where the drill bit didn’t quite leave a clean hole.
That will happen no matter how you smoke, or how large a load of tobacco you have in your pipe.
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>>1287594 Bullshit. Do a Google search for "how to break in a pipe" and enjoy the wide variety of methods that must definitely be followed or else your pipe will surely be ruined.
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Enjoying my pipe and watching some Pirates of the Caribbean kino with some dear friends. Not an /out/ post but hope yall are having as nice a night
Old picture of my first pipe, hand carved when I was 17. It broke a few months later but it's been two years and I'm looking to fill the void left behind when I stopped smoking weed. I'm about to spring on my first proper pipe, but first I'd like to know if you all recommend using a pipe with a filter? I'd like to reduce the odds that I die of mouth cancer in a few decades but if it messes up the taste or feel of the smoke then I'll take my chances.
>>1288014 You're not going to get a single answer on whether it changes the taste or feel. I use balsa filters, and can't taste the difference. With a charcoal filter I can. Here's some objective information.
There are fixed filters like stingers, and disposable filters like those made by Dr Plumb and Medico. The former is cleaned, not replaced. I'm not familiar with stingers, so I can't say more than that. The latter typically comes in two sizes, 6mm and 9mm, and is thrown away after one to three uses. The disposable filters come in a variety of materials, with paper, charcoal enclosed in a paper tube, and balsa wood being the most common. All filters will result in a cooler smoke when compared against a non-filtered pipe and the same cadence. 6mm and 9mm filter pipes frequently come with adapters that reduce the airflow of the pipe and make it suitable to use without a filter. When they don't, you can purchase a generic adapter. A 6mm pipe without a filter will generally not cause you trouble. One slightly uncommon disposable filter are meerschaum buttons that sit in the bowl. I can't say more on them either.
>>1288115 >come with adapters that reduce the airflow of the pipe and make it suitable to use without a filter. I never understood this. Even without an adapter, you're limited to the maximum draw allowable through the draft hole (so, 3mm or whatever). So even if there's a 9mm chamber right after that hole, the draw shouldn't be any easier (assuming the stem has a mostly airtight connection to the shank). Whether you narrow that 9mm down to a 3 shouldn't make any difference because the draw is already being restricted coming out of the bowl. Or am I missing something?
>>1288132 I've never used one of those adapters, but I assume it has something to do with leaving a chamber in the stem where moisture can accumulate.
>>1288115 Stingers aren’t filters, they just keep you from sucking any wetness that’s collected in the bowl up into your mouth.
>>1288132 >>1288139 There is a happy medium to drilling a pipe’s airway size. Too small and you can’t draw easily; too big and you end up sucking ashes into your mouth. Neither makes smoking enjoyable.
If you don’t use a filter with your filter-drilled pipe, you open yourself up to the latter possibility. Hence the non-filter adapter-it makes the airway just small enough to get it back into that happy zone.
>>1288183 >just small enough to get it back into that happy zone. Yeah, but aren't the draught hole and the mouthpiece hole the limiting factors here? If there is a chamber in between two narrow openings, the suction will be the same no matter what size the chamber is. And given that chamber, it should be less likely to suck up ash through the mouthpiece due to the venturi effect, because the airflow will be slower in it.
My first pipe was a Medico that takes filters, and I use it sans adapter. I don't recall the adapter making any difference when I was trying it out.
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>>1288325 It could also be to keep trash from collecting in the filter hole, where it’s harder to clean.
If you don’t want to use the adapter, you don’t have to.
So I was cleaning up an old pipe then not really thinking used mineral oil to polish it, which caused it to get a lot darker. It had originally been a light tan. Is there any way to fix my fuck up? :( It's a sandblast so I can't really just sand the finish or anything.
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>>1287792 Grats. Whats that wood? Beech?
Looks a bit like a hallowed door knob.
What are some real crowd pleaser tobacco? Something that would smell really good to non smokers?
>>1288519 You could try mineral spirits, but I'd honestly just suggest you get used to it being darker. Or ask a professional to sandblast and stain it again.
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>>1288014 Just use a balsa filter
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>>1288621 Bobs chocolate flake and Solani aged burley flake .
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>>1288623 Well damn, that sucks. Doesn't look bad or anything I guess, just preferred the original light tan.
Smokes like a champ though so there's that.
>>1288519 mineral oil is more cancer causing then smoking
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>>1287121 I can confirm that reports of me eating my Gawith 1972 flake are false. I just never got around to writing my thoughts about it as its a part of a larger experiment. I bought maybe twenty samples, enough for maybe four or five bowls, each of a different English blend you can easily source in the UK.
For them moment, the leader of the pack is Germain’s Royal Jersey Original Latakia. 1972 flake is near to the bottom. The former is a newer Germain blend, seriously mild, with the official description saying it has a light vanilla topping (it totally doesn’t - most reviews say apple, which I think is closer). Love the smell, and the mildness makes it a good any-time smoke. It’s one of two blends I’ll be buying more of (the other being Germain’s Rich Dark Flake). The latter, the 1972 flake, needed two bowls to work out. Dry it too much and you lose the tonka bean, which is all I found the blend to have going for it. Tonquin is a little like vanilla, but it’s a more natural and earthier sweetness that’s easy to pick up in the smoke. But my overall impression at the end of that second bowl was ‘I wish more blends used tonquin instead of vanilla because I want that part but not in this blend’.
>>1282306 Anyone know what knife that is in the picture?
I only smoke maybe a couple times a week. How do I keep my pipe tobacco fresh?
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>>1289852 Mason jars are the goto.
>>1289852 Put the tobacco in a jar, rehumidify as needed by making a little cup out of tin foil and putting a wet cotton ball or piece of paper towel in it.
>>1289985 I've been doing this recently after failing to reseal the lid on a tin. Works surprisingly well.
>>1290024 Wait, people keep their tobacco in the tin? I've always transferred them immediately into jars.
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>>1290033 Some people smoke a lot without keeping 20 different blends on hand, so the tin is empty before the tobacco goes dry.
just ordered some bulk pipe tobacco from smoking pipes. This is my first time purchasing bulk is it okay to keep it in whatever bag it comes in or do i have to put it in a sealable jar or something like it? i got about 5 oz worth of tobacco so it won't be smoked soon.
>>1290073 Jars are a lot more airtight than ziplock bags. In my experience, tobacco in a bag will dry out in 1.5 months or so (though obviously it depends on humidity levels in your area).
>>1290079 How long would i have in something like this
>>1289985 ?
>>1290101 I usually top up the humidity every 3-4 months in mine. If you use a screw top mason jar, probably way longer because they're truly airtight. I like the hinged ones for convenience, but they always seem to let moisture escape over time. Could also be because I bought the cheapest ones possible from the dollar store though...
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>>1290202 alright thanks for the info man
Hey I've seen in a few pipegens about time between puffs. It seems almost as if some people can go upwards of 3-5 (and I've seen upwards to ~10 minutes in different pipe forums) minutes without puffing on the pipe and the thing doesn't go out on them. If I don't puff every like 10 to 20 seconds mine will go out, even with something relatively easy to smoke like Carter Hall. When I first get her going it's like for the first 10 puffs or so have to happen every 5 seconds. Am I packing it wrong? How can I get this 3 minutes per puff shit people speak of?
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>>1287090 Lakelands are the final stage of a pipe smoker.
Most people start off with aromatics then move onto english blends, then semi aromatics then virginias then vapers and virginia burley then finally once you're ascended and reached your final form you will be an old fart smoking lakelands.
>>1286055 Underrated post.
Ah ga ga ga ga ga ga ga.
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>>1290716 lol i just got that.
>>1290411 Good moisture, good packing, good cadence and good tamping. But if you want a tip, when your ember starts dying, cover most of the bowl with your hand and draw normally. As a result of the venturi effect, the ember will burn much hotter and your pipe should stay lit for a while longer. However this wont help you if you’re smoking wet or the tobacco is too compressed in the bowl.
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>>1290832 >tfw designed a CO2 car that utilizes the venturi effect a few years ago >tfw completely forgot all about it until now and how it could be used for pipes Ty my friend, sometimes I'll end up covering the entire bowl with my palm for a few puffs and that seems to work well if the thing is burning good
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>>1290411 Usual causes of that are packing too tight, not lighting the whole top of the tobacco and tamping too hard.
Before you light, test your pipe’s draw. It shouldnt feel constricted. If it’s constricted too much, you won’t get airflow through the tobacco and are going to have a bad time. Pull the tobacco out and refill slightly looser.
Try to light the whole top of the tobacco. There is a time for being gentle when smoking a pipe; this is not it. A good, solid light solves lots of problems, so light the thing.
Likewise, tamping too hard can ruin a good pack. So when you tamp, try not to use any more pressure than the weight of the tamper itself. Usually you won’t need more than that to get a pipe going again.
What's the point of smoking a pipe? It don't taste like anything.
>>1291556 What were you smoking?
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>>1291556 People smoke pipes mainly because it tastes good. You must have smoked some trash.
>>1291557 Mac barens original choice
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>>1291575 >smoke an exceptionally mild aromatic blend >confused why it had little taste ?
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>>1291556 Expecting to taste things in a tobacco when you're starting out is an overestimation of your tastebuds. You're literally trying to taste things carried by smoke, and if you're trying to do that in a mild blend you're probably going to fail. Either you pick a strong blend, or you deal with the fact that your tastebuds aren't used to hard work. In either case experience and making an effort to taste subtle things will help.
>>1291556 >>1291556 1. You were smoking a shit blend.
2. You probably smoking it too fast
3. you probably didn't know how to pack
4. you didn't know how to retrohale
5. Tobacco was probably too wet .
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>>1289985 Apple my friend. A small slice of apple (or maybe pear) wrapped in foil will do the trick, in a most pleasant way.
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pipe was acting clogged. leaving it not quite all the way together seem to fix the whole problem. I guess I could cut the filters in half probably do the same thing.
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>>1292326 1. Maybe
2. Nah
3. I pack very well
4. I do know
5. Maybe
Hey guys. I'm not really great with fancy adjectives and shit, but I really gotta recommend a blend by Sutliff called barbados plantation, which is supposedly the tinned version of what I have. They say the stuff I have, called queen annes revenge, is the bulk sale of barbados plantation. I really rather like it and I'd have to say it's a new favorite of mine
>>1293713 >fancy adjectives and shit Just choose a fruit, a herb, an inedible plant, a tree or particular wood, and maybe some type of specific leather or soil, or a combination of all of the above. Speculate as to whether it's cased or not, and how the latakia/virginia/burley either really comes through or is completely undetectable. Pick a color of ash, and spend a sentence or two about how it either destroys your tongue or doesn't bite no matter how hard you smoke. Mention the room note and how pleasant or shit it is, and make sure to point out your wife's reaction. You can now create every pipe tobacco review ever.
Best Va/per that's not elizabethan mixture?
>>1293860 My wife's son hates the smell!!!
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>>1293870 Rattrays old gowrie and Marlin flake. Sam gawith st James flake. Gl Pease telegraph hill. Solani Virginia flake
>>1290033 I'm still pretty new to smoking a pipe. I assumed you would just keep the tobacco in its original container. I started putting the few blends I can get around my city into jars. It looks like it's keeping them much fresher than a tin or pouch.
>>1294189 keeping them in the tin or pouch dries out the tobacco. Always keep them in mason jars unless you're gonna smoke through an entire tin within a week.
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>>1294512 Yeah, the jars are definitely better. I've still got a lot to learn. It's a nice way to kill some time and slow down.
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Something you can try for yourself - I pack my bowl before I go /out/ and plug it with a pipe cleaner twisted into a spiral. By the time I get around to smoking it, any excess moisture is gone and I can light it up immediately.
From r/PipeTobacco. Cant make this shit up.
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>>1295157 She needs the rest to spend on her date with her boyfriend.
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>>1283927 That's a real nice pipe you got there, good job.
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>>1295157 Those makeup and shoe are not cheap you fucking white male.
Christ the heat makes smoking unbearable
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>>1295157 God what the fuck
Absolutely appalling.
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>>1295157 Any more than that and it upsets her son, apparently.
>>1296150 The heat makes smoking amazing. Cold drink, nice pipe, fucking awesome.
>>1296251 I hold literally the opposite opinion. Nippy frosty weather, and a warm thermos of warm coffee. And then of course a nice pipe
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>>1296271 Well, I like to sit and relax with a book when I smoke, and I definitely can't relax for an hour and a half when my extremities are freezing after the first 20 minutes.
What are some good tobaccos for a beginning pipe smoker? I'm about halfway through my first pouch of Prince Albert's and liking it pretty well
>>1297145 based ozark MM, youre a cool guy anon. i would look up bulk blends of different leaves so you can try out and learn to recognize different tastes/scents/etc of them. so, find some stuff that has latakia (dunhill nightcap is what literally everybody here will suggest), virginia, burley, etc. i'd recommend bulk especially so you can get it cheap and if you find something you don't like much, then you're not really out of much but pocket change.
>>1297628 >dunhill nightcap Unfortunately Dunhill isn't really a viable suggestion anymore, especially as supply dwindles and prices climb.
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>>1297825 There's fair alternatives to Dunhill. Likewise, people can and will replicate the recipes. The name "Dunhill" and the pipe tobacco under its name is leaving us; the pipe tobacco isn't my friendo.
Pipesandcigars.com even has replications and has forever.
>https://www.pipesandcigars.com/p/match-nightcap-pipe-tobacco/1473332/#p-119647 Anonymous
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>>1286083 >bones removed Just eat them
Anyone smoke Gamblers/other cheap ass tobaccos?
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>>1283425 It just tickles all the right buttons for some people, de gustibus non disputandum doncha know.
That said, its much better with a decade or so of age under its belt. Same with Escudo.
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>>1284537 Depends on how often you smoke, and what you smoke in it.
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>>1286031 True but that's a very low bar.
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>>1288132 The big hole where the filter would be changes the velocity of the air and multiple changes in pressure, this causes the moisture to condense out and fill up the chamber and make it gurgle like mad. And because the chamber is so big a pipe cleaner down the mouthpiece cant wipe it dry. The filler plug solves both these problems.
I bought two MM cobs recently. They've replaced my cheap and cheerful Dr Plumb while /out/, but they're seeing just as much use at home. I'd highly recommend picking one up if you've never tried one. The only downside - and this is something easily ignored - is that the hardwood shank goes into the bowl, and tobacco will happily smuggle itself down the sides. I'd get down to the bottom of a bowl of King Charles and find another 10 minutes of English goodness had set up camp. Anyway, I picked up a cigar from my tobacconist yesterday and used it to make some pipe mud. I ended up with enough ash for at least three pipes, so I took the opportunity to cover the hardwood as well as the sides. I'll let it sit until Monday, and then we'll see how it went. Worst case, it'll fall out with no harm to the pipe.
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>>1299541 huh, interesting, never heard of that
>>1299541 you can use "pipe mud" to fill in the sides by the shank? what exactly is the process for doing this because now i'm curious
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>>1298519 cheapo yuro reporting in
Got started like many other yuro from my specific neck of the woods with Amphora because it's the only pipe tobacco that all stores have.
It doesn't really taste of anything [spoiler:lit] but I still smoke some every now and then out of pure nostalgia [/ohwait]
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Anyone in here into herboristery? I helped the folks out with a pretty massive load or tilia/lime leaves and got some for myself. Got some dipped in honey for a bit and will try to smoke it one of these days once we get an actual sunny day and not heavy rainy coulds and rain. Pretty sure it won't poison me as I've been drinking it infused since before I could even remember.
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>>1299627 It's mostly used to fill holes in estate pipes, or by people who modify cobs by removing the stem in the bowl to make it more like a briar. Pipe mud itself is a mixture of a fine ash and water. Mix it to a dry sludge and apply it, it'll dry hard and provide insulation. If you're in America, Aristocob sells $1 bags of pipe mud mixture that apparently makes enough mud for five or six pipes. It doesn't use cigar ash due to regulations, but its apparently way stronger.
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>>1299627 Basic pipe mud has two components:
>cigar ash >spit Mix the two into a paste, apply as you see fit, let it dry and you’re done.
It needs to be cigar ash. I read about why once, but have since forgotten. Probably due to it being all tobacco with no other chemicals or some such.
If you don’t want to go to that trouble, just smoke your pipe as normal. Ash will fill up the cracks and crevices on their own and do the same thing.
>>1282306 I will try to get out with my pipe later. I've started to cut back to only smoking twice a week now. When I originally started I was 19 and smoked every evening during sunset.
Now that I'm an older fart I'm happy to see so many people having a go at it.
Favorite loadout - My 1st pipe, a military style Calabresi briar with a saddleback stem. Canadian handmade brand called IQ (Rarely available.) or Clan in UK.
Anyone here grow their own tobaccos. I've only been doing it now for two years but its so much cheaper and also fun to prep my own stuff. Also makes it easy to pick a blend your gonna enjoy.
>>1282306 I used to smoke pipes. Normally choosing natural tobaccos without artificial flavor to it. But for nearly a year now I stopped. I don't know why... sometimes I think about going back to pipes. It used to be so much fun and quality time.
>>1300225 it comes and goes for me too.
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>>1300168 >Also makes it easy to pick a blend your gonna enjoy I'm thinking of getting into it. What's your curing setup? And when you say blending, do you mean you're curing batches in different ways, or using different varieties of tobacco, or casing them, or some or all of the above?
The growing part looks straightforward, but the processing of raw tobacco to something that doesn't taste like ass in a pipe seems more complicated.
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>>1285810 This. Reading
>>1284149 actually enraged me.
>>1300675 Oh I was thinking of the food and pharma grade mineral oil/baby oil/laxative, while this report talks about industrial oils. Whew I was puckering a bit there lads.
I wonder, you know, that you actually tatse cinnamon right? Like if you hold your nose and put a bit of cinnamon in your mouth you can't actually taste it? Can you get cinnamon tobacco?
>>1300846 my man, if you retrohale that you would wish you couldn't get cinnamon tobacco.
My friend convinced me to put some weed in my pipe because we didn't have any papers on us. It actually wasn't bad. I got more stoned than usual for some weird reason. I've become far less anal about pipe smoking since I started it 2 years ago. I don't even use pipe cleaners anymore. I just smoke Peterson Aromatics from the B&M in my one briar, and I only really smoke when I'm drinking.
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>>1300272 >>1300225 >>1282306 Last week I went hunting. After I sat down in the sunset, waiting for deer and boar - and nothing to see - i calmed down smoking a pipe in our hunting lodge. It was great. I carved some wood while smoking and reflected on the day.
>>1300882 But can you though? Is it even possible?
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>>1301362 I've seen some for sale, I think
smokingpipes.com but I have never tried it.
I’m curious to try the pipe thing. What’s the appeal for everybody doing it?
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>>1301767 Does it taste like christmas?
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>>1302179 I like it because
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>>1302179 It's enjoyable and relaxing. What kind of appeal are you expecting?
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>>1302179 Nicotine makes you feel good for a little while, and having an hour where you’re not doing anything pressing is a nice thing sometimes.
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>>1302179 Tastes good, feels good and is relaxing. I also just think pipes are neat.
does anyone here use zippos or etc to light their pipe? i tried using one and the taste of the fluid stuck for several minutes, it was pretty terrible. i'd rather just use matches or a regular lighter, it really was disgusting. i did notice though that it lit a lot cleaner and uniformly than with my ol bic
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>>1302886 I did. I recently moved to a thunderbird. It's just a normal lighter but in the zippo form.
>>1302886 I've had the same experience. Some people claim that if you let it burn for a few seconds before lighting, the naphtha taste goes away, but every time I tried that I still got a nice blast of it on the tongue. I just use a butane pipe lighter, there's no messing around or worrying about refilling the fuel.
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>>1303086 >refilling the fuel *every week.
Long story short; due to someone not telling me they were washing my trousers, my favourite briar pipe has gone through the washing machine. It's gone pale, the cake has been washed out and the rim has been bashed to hell and back where it was once unmarked. Needless to say, I'm not happy. Is it going to be safe to smoke or am I going to have it crack when I next smoke it? I'm already debating sending it off to be restored, but it was a factory second I paid barely anything for it. It had a lot of value as a good smoker and my own attachment to it though.
>>1303369 Her it is. It needs to dry out some more and I've buffed away the oxidisation on the stem.
>>1282306 I've been on this board for less than 3 minutes and all I've seen are faggy hipsters. You guys suck.
>>1303375 I dont think you will die from smoking it, but if it tastes like soap you could try giving it the salt/alcohol treatment.
And if you buff it with carnauba wax, it will look pretty again. Wouldnt spend money on having it restored, spend that money on wax and a buffing reel instead.
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>>1303404 Gotcha. Thanks for the advice. I've got plenty of pipes and I'm taking a break for a bit due to some sinus pain anyway so having this one on hold for a bit is fine.
ITT: Basedboys thinking that they are manly because they can grow a beard and smoke a pipe once a month in their backyard. kekaroodledoo my friends
>>1303682 >thinking you're the first one ever to make this remark thanks for your insight newfriend
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>>1303683 >implying I read anything beyond the OP made me chuckle
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>>1303384 No one cares.
>>1303682 >can’t grow a beard >doesn’t have a backyard You have to be 18 to post here, you know.
A fresh pipe smoking meme
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>>1304054 I like Stalin's stance on religion. Yeah, kill 'em!
I sincerely hope all you faggots catch aids in your next state park orgy and stop posting here.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1304644 imagine being this upset over what strangers you've never met before do.
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>>1304644 Look everyone! Snowflakes in the middle of summer!
Show us where that evil pipe touched you.
Read earlier that German soldiers in ww1 got a porcelain pipe with a portrait of the Kaiser on it for Christmas but I can't find any pictures of it?
>>1284611 Do you hike in Denmark?
>>1304701 Probably not this specific one, but similar perhaps?
https://picclick . de/Pfeife-Reservistenpfeife-5-Armee-Kronprinz-Wilhelm-Weltkrieg-1914-173379116173.html
I got drunk the other night and bought a 5 dollar estate pipe on ebay. I also got 4 kinds of tobacco coming. How do I do this?
>>1304862 Welcome.
Grab a couple packs of pipe cleaners and a bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol. Clean the inside of the pipe with the pipe cleaners dipped in the alcohol. Keep at it until the pipe cleaners come out clean. Clean any crud off the outside with paper towels dipped in water.
As for smoking the thing, light and easy is the name of the game.
Don’t cram all the tobacco you possibly can into it, fill it lightly up to the top and then light it.
Likewise with smoking it, don’t draw hard and fast like a steam train. Sip lightly and slowly, taking a few seconds between puffs.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1304829 Not him, but yes, Denmark has a surprisingly active outdoor scene
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>>1304921 Thanks I'll get those things. Pipe should be here tomorrow so I'll clean it then.
>>1304848 looks exactly like the small picture i saw! atleast the bowl, stem looks different though, thanks!
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>>1304960 Sure, just searched for "Erster weltkrieg pfeife", maybe you can find the proper stem.
There's a shitton of those pipes around in Germany and Denmark still. Some people collect them or have them as heirlooms.
first cigar what should I get? What should I look for?
Bent pipe vs straight pipe?
>willingly giving yourself cancer in the most fedora way possible
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>>1305213 >he doesn't purposely flirt with death fucking pussy lol
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I've never heard about anyone dying from cancer while smoking pipe tobacco or cigars that wasn't hitting it 5+ times per day, plus alcohol. Cigarettes are so much worse for you it's not even funny.
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>>1305192 Personal preference. If you clench often, bent brings the center of mass closer to the face.
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>>1304054 gonna be hard to keep that pipe lit on your way down
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>>1286083 >bones removed >canned sardines wowowow
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>>1305192 Have both, love examples of both.
Bents are easier to clench; straights are easier to drill correctly.
>>1305213 >fedora 2013 called. It wants its memes back.
And vaping exists. Your point is invalid.
>>1305760 >criticism has a shelf life you guys! sure it does, hurry up and get your trench coat and fingerless gloves weather treated
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>>1305784 >he knows what accessories go with wearing a fedora You seem to be quite an authority on the matter. I don’t think this is turning out the way you intended it to, but I am entertained nonetheless.
Please, continue.
Tell us all just how to be properly attired for maximum euphoria.
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>>1305923 t. actual cuckold
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>>1287260 that's not a bong lmfao
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>>1301295 >My friend convinced me to put some weed in my pipe because we didn't have any papers on us. It actually wasn't bad. I got more stoned than usual for some weird reason. Time to get bullied
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>>1305171 Don’t buy crap.
A shit cigar is just bad.
If you’re only going to have one, make it a good one that’s highly rated and spend the money on a good experience.
There are times to search out the diamonds in the rough-this is not one of them. Look for premium labels-Montecristo, H. Upmann, Davidoff, Rocky Patel, Arturo Fuente, Partagas, Romeo Y Julieta, La Gloria Cubana-and go for the premium offerings of those. A Montecristo No.2, for example, is a classic stick for a reason-the blend is good, the taste is full and they keep the quality up.
i was at the theater with my best friend, his parents and his grandparents. at the halftime break in the play his grandpa pulled out a pipe, i did too of course and we talked about it for a bit and stuff. what got me thinking is that he had a really slick looking pipe pouch, that also held tobacco. what are your thoughts on pipe pouches? they dont keep tobacco moist do they? are they more for putting tome baccy in and then going out for the night? cant keep baccy in the pouch for days can you?
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>>1309528 oh, and i totally fucking forgot to ask him about it and instead got cought up in talking about tobaccos
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ok, i don't like nightcap. honestly, i have tried it many times and i just cant seem to find its place to me. firstly, it's a bitch to get lit and stay lit. secondly, it burns through considerably faster than my other blends, and thirdly it makes me salivate like hell and it causes a lot of moisture and that nasty as fuck drip on the end of the bit whenever that happens. i don't know if i am just autistic with this blend or what, but i am just going to keep this for another day or i will give it to someone else to keep.
How do I light my pipe without inhaling? Just how do I get smoke in my pipe without inhaling? Why won't it stay lit? Do I let my tobacco air dry before trying to smoke it??? Thanks. I am really confused.
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Any place you guys buy your tobacco from? Suggestions just bought a Missouri Meerschaum Legend.
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>>1309640 >How do I light my pipe without inhaling Are you actually retarded? How do you drink through a straw without inhaling liquid?
If you guys have any tobacco you can't finish I'd be willing to take it. I live in Alberta.
>>1282306 >tfw I finally got around to buying a tin of Frog Morton just to find out McClelland went out of business Fucksakes. I bought a Peterson Canadian and a tin of Squadron Leader instead. I always liked the look of Canadians.
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>>1309870 Love the P-lip. Most of my pipes are fishtails and I naturally angle the smoke towards the top of my mouth anyway.
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>>1300688 kek same here. I jerked off using mineral oil for like a year.
>>1309528 >what are your thoughts on pipe pouches? they dont keep tobacco moist do they? are they more for putting tome baccy in and then going out for the night? cant keep baccy in the pouch for days can you? They usually come with latex or plastic linings in the tobacco section of the pouch, which will keep it moist for at least a day or two. Personally, when I go anywhere for more than a day I use the pipe pouch for the pipe and accessories, and just take the tobacco in the tin it came in. Gawith are pretty good and their tins have a seal on the lid.
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>>1309878 I just get these at the B&M. It seals well and the tobacco's good for two weeks, and they only usually last me little over a week.
>>1309858 Whereabouts? I'm in Edmonton. I've got a couple ounces of a bulk aromatic called Georgian Creme that sounded nice, but it was too heavily cased for my liking.
>>1309881 Edmonton as well. Where do you want to meet up? I'm near Northgate.
>>1309883 Cool, I'm in Clareview. I can meet you wherever you'd like, I'll be free tomorrow.
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>>1309885 Damn, we're right next to eachother. My email is
[email protected] . We can meet at Northgate around noon.
For my first pipe will a cheap $10 ebay one do or will it set me up for bad experiences?
>>1309906 >$10 I seriously doubt it. This is a good one online:
https://www.smokingpipes.com/pipes/new/starter-kits/moreinfo.cfm?product_id=258815 If you have a B&M that specialises in pipes you can also go there and ask them for a good starting pipe in the $30-60 range.
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>>1309906 A Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipe will cost you anything from half to twice that. Their quality control isn't phenomenal, but even their worst pipes are better than Chinese briar pipes. If you're just starting out, the biggest risk is that you smoke a few times and find out that it isn't for you.
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>>1309881 >>1309883 Sup Edmontonbros. Is there anywhere in town to get pipe tobacco other than Burlington's? I went the tax free route and ordered my last bunch of tobacco from 4noggins, but I was wondering if some cheap (at least by Canadian standards) local source existed before I wrote off B&M tobacco purchases completely.