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Make lots of dead-drop traps around animal warrens; tidal traps, little pools and trenches that retain animals when the tide goes out; skin peat, mixture of tree sap and oils with ash, to retain moisture, insulate cold winds, dampen smell; always be last to leave campsite, to trash it properly agaisbt trackers; knapp river rocks while on the move, making arrowheads and hatchets and scrape knives, to spare your +1s; fermented literal shit is a septic poison; burn dry cactus for poison smoke; animal fat tallow for sooty candles.
Modified adventurer kit:
-roll of oilskin fabric, 1cubitsquare, to pitch as a ceiling between poles and branches so as to sit dry like a buddha in sudden rain.
-Small, flattish wok, to boil water, burn tubers and nuts.
- Hatchet, that can chop trees, split logs, plane planks, and hammer with wedge pegs into any shortorder furniture or structure. Hatchet should be Masterwork.
-love of sugary food; starving people have intense dessert cravings. Always goes to the confectioners in every town he stops at. Never got over the time at some holy festival when the High Cleric casted Hero's Feast. Has a bottle of honey on him at all times that at all tines he will deny exists.
-fanatic for fruit trees. Food that doesnt run. Uses a cloak, towel, or similar to climb slippery trunks. Also, fearful of fruit trees, since guerilla cultists also grow them for easy food.
-worships fire. Has nine means of making a fire in his pack at all times. Has saved a few samples of Explosive Runes in a rag wad for last resort firestarter.
Regarding monster hunting: will never corner it in the lair; desperation or protective instinct can give up to +3 circumstantial bonus.
Will stalk and figure the habits over time; always stalk downwind, fasting or tepid diet, to minimise smell. Figure out if monster is territorial, and see if theres a way to shoo it off the area to make it go open and vulnerable while looking for a new lair.