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hating tourists, can anyone else relate?

No.1294796 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>live in south coast of autralia most of my life
>one specific part (the part I live in) never really had anything going for it
>small business start flourishing, local fishing village up north gets more commercialised.
hometown and neighbouring place starts getting advertised as outback getaway for sydney and cnberra people.
>at first they only come during christmas, now they congest traffic, jam roads, drive food prices up at the local supermarket,infest all of the local camping spots, build holiday houses out here, drive up housing prices so much my mom couldn't even a afford to get a house built in the town i'd grew up in.

U used to be really bitter about this until about a week ago while cycling through backroads I met some really nice people who where from those two places, they gave me directions (didn't bring a map).

Anyway, is there anyone whose had their local town become overrun by tourists? and if so are you bitter about tourists in general or do you think they're alright?