>>1313685>>1313682MGTOW is a movement full of whiny betas who desperately want to blame everyone but themselves for their failures as human beings, instead of making an effort to improve themselves and their communities. They complain about all western women being degenerate and worthless sluts, but they are degenerate manchildren with no virtues themselves, and they fully embrace the degenerate facets of society. Most of their interaction with women comes vicariously in the ways of porn and Jewish Hollywood propaganda that they consume like water, and so their perceptions of reality are wholly warped by those who seek to control them and break their spirit.
Moreover, what they fail to comprehend is that men set the standard for acceptable behvaiour; always have, always will. If men stopped tolerating degenerate behaviour and instead encouraged virtuous lifestyles, leading by example, women would follow suit. But being the spiritually empty, nihilistic atheists that they are, such concepts are completely foreign to them. Instead of taking responsibility and fixing things, in line with their masculine duty, they embrace their femininity by acting passive aggressively, freeing their conscience of any form of responsibility, and living solipsistic lives of hedonism while expecting someone else to clean up the mess that they've helped make.
tl;dr it's the male version of radical feminism. Theory != reality.