>>1321454I'm tropical. I used to think of myself as a winter person, but eventually I got kind inured to the heat and started to see the upsides, like not having to carry much gear and never getting wet, and casually hike 10km uphill and down in 30°C 70%RH (although it feels much colder in the rainforest, like 24-ish).
You don't see normies up there either. Not many people can be fucked especially with snakes and dogs and shit, and the few people I see out there have been good to me. I see an old man put fuckhuge ants into a box while swearing incessantly, wondering if the fuckers could only survive here because of the prehistoric oxygen levels. I saw a monkey piss on a hiker with surgical precision from 10 ft up. He just shrugs and walks it off, because that's what you expect.
Despite it being my sole source of exercise these days, I still kind of miss winter. There is some paradoxical comfort in conditions that could kill me if I wasn't wearing this fleece and so on. Apart from the practical reasons, I think it's the dead stillness that we are looking for.