I got the gpsmaps 64s, and in all honesty it's great having, and works well.
Physical buttons is a huge plus, and often underrated. a lot of people seem to forget how shitty a lot of touch-screens actually perform in a lot of weather conditions, especially rain and cold conditions (for that sake some phones overheating and shutting down in warm weather).
The only phone i'd personally only consider would be something like the trimble tdc100, but it's a 1200 usd phone (and still has touchscreen....)
i use maps exported from OSM because garmin native maps are fairly costly.
I bring the GPS with me pretty much every time go out as it gives me statistics of speed, climb etc. without having to run an extra app that churns more power.
It also has WAY better accuracy than a phone has when walking in areas with tall and dense growth. getting sub-5 meter accuracy in a dense forest is nigh impossible with a phone.
>>1323763you can achieve better accuracy by pairing it with an RTK GPS/antennae, but sub-meter/sub 5cm accuracy is not something a casual user would need, or pay for the service either.