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planing camping around local national parks and state forests until I get a job, any advice.

No.1325542 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>plan to move out of mothers' house at end of july
>no job, not enough money to rent
>planning on living in tent.
My plan is to camp on the outskirts of town around the the state forests or national parks, there are plenty of places where you could pitch a tent that would see little to no foot traffic.

For he first week i'm going to be doing work experience to finish off my cert III in hospitality, so I want to be camping as close to town as I can so I can be there on time.

After that over, I'm planning on moving camp deeper into an area of national park or state forest with a river flowing through it and setting up an underground safe house/supply cache for a dedicated setup.
All the while of i'm going to be applying for jobs on my computer.

As for my stuff i'm planning on renting out a storage unit and putting it in that.

Lastly, I also plan on getting a non-interest loan to get a motorbike so I have a way of getting to work (I don't drive), my plan it to store the motorbike in the storage lot and take it out regularly to get practice on it until I feel competent enough to use it as my main transportation method. (for now i'll just be using my bicycle, i've got two orlieb 70l bags and a top bag for storage.) I should also mention that i'm almost certain two get a job in the next few months, my job provider said that she has someone who's always looking for security guards, so once i apply for my security licence and it gets approved i'll have enough money to rent a place.Right now I get about $300 AUD a fortnight to live on, so there's no way I could rent out a place with that amount. After I finished my work experience I might try to find some areas that are cheaper, but until then this is my plan. However there are still somethings I need advice on: like should I use a sleeping cot or inflatable grounding mat? should I go with a swag or a tent? should I camp deeper into the bush or closer to the road? any tips?