>>1329288i wish there was less carp in my area, i wish carp would go extinct and never come back
they've literally pushed out all the bass, crappie, walleye a lot of the sunfish and the catfish population has gone to absolute shit, we used to have bowfin and pike here too and they somehow managed to push those out, now all that's left is a few brave smallmouths and my best aquatic friends the gar
everywhere i fucking go, every pool of water, every creek, even in the fucking culverts there's these fucking asshole carp swimming around gulping up bugs and making chocolate milk out of the water
the only thing they have with them is gar, i used to despise gar until i saw a couple of them genocide a school of carp without mercy, it was glorious watching them rip the little fresh spawn carplings apart and i must have looked retarded standing there literally shouting "YAAAASSSS SLAY GAR" and to this day i will not harm a gar because they are my ally in the fight against the carp invader, an invader i will hunt down, hook, gig, spear, bow, snag, grab, net and do whatever is within my power to annihilate
carp are the enemy, there will be no quarter