>>1334944Have done further reading, so disregard this
>>1334946>people in urban areas report higher levels of depressionLiterature seems to support your position on this, for rich countries. The issue isn't as simple as we are making it out to be. You see in poorer, less developed countries this trend tends to be reversed.
It appears happiness/well being is linked to general living standards. In wealthy countries you have a higher standard of living in rural areas than in the cities (better air, more space, work/life balance etc). In poor countries, living standard improvements tend to happen in urban areas first, then move out to the countryside.
This paper deals with the phenomenon in a robust way, and is relatively recent:
https://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?as_ylo=2014&q=happiness+rural+urban&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1#d=gs_qabs&p=&u=%23p%3DS-f8b_SpRloJI can't really comment on your second point because couldn't find a source for it. Even if it were true, would you be comfortable extrapolating that trend out much? It'd be a bit of a stretch using it to characterise the lives of rural African women and middle class American women in general.
>to conclude It appears living in small country towns in the rich west is the best environment for maximum well being.