>>1338859ill explain what you use these for and what their types are. The naming is not consistent i.e a knot called a "Bend" does not mean it does the job of a bend, and a knot called a "Hitch" does not necessarily do the job of a hitch. With that said most people agree what a bend does and what a hitch does. You can do a lot with one of each type.
Bends: Join two the ends of two ropes together e.g. fisherman's knot, sheet bend.
Fixed Loop in end of rope: Create a loop that does not cinch at the end of a rope e.g. bowline.
Fixed loop in middle of rope: Create a loop that does not cinch int the middle of the rope e.g. alpine butterfly knot
Stopper: Make knot that adds diameter to stop something from pulling through, makes it easier to pull on etc. e.g. figure 8 (cinch it).
Adjustable Loop: Make a loop that can change sizes but hold it's size under tension e.g. midshipman's hitch, taught-line hitch.
Noose: Make a loop which closes around what it's tied to under tension e.g. running bowline
Cinching Noose: Loop which closes, and closes around what it's tied to under tension, and wont release hold when it comes off of tension e.g. trucker's hitch + blackwall hitch, Canadian Jam knot.
Hitch: A knot for tying to a post e.g. fisherman's bend.
Binding Knot: for tying in tension around an object e.g. reef knot, constrictor knot
youtube is a good way to learn how to tie specific knots