>>15205>small ones that grow on lawnsThese could be any number of things, some edible, some inedible, others poisonous.
>some sideways growing fungi on treesYou're probably thinking about polypores.
It's amazing how little the average person knows about fungi. Anonymous, you have a lot to learn, but you've taken the first step. Get a good field guide and start IDing some in the wild. If you find some that you think are edible, take them home and do a positive identification before eating them. Consult with various websites, like this
http://www.mycokey.com/newMycoKeySite/MycoKeyIdentQuick.html and r/mycology (a great subre dit)
Do not eat anything you are not certain of. Ever. Do not eat anything that resembles a poisonous mushroom until you have more experience.