This thread is full of fucking wimps and I can totally smell OP's pussy fluids. Most likely a woman. I'll tell you, I got charged at by two Pitt Bulls in the past who weren't even with an owner who could have possibly given them a stand down command, and instead of being a fucking autistic retard and flailing my arms around and allowing my heart to pound, I stood my ground and they stopped right when they got to my feet. They were expecting me to run, but instead I patted them on the heads a couple of times and then I told them to fuck off, and sure enough, they fucked off. That isn't the only time I've been charged by a dog, or encountered a dog without a leash. Never got my feefees hurt, and no I didn't go home with any fucking booboos to lick and resent over. OP and all of you faggots in this thread scared of getting your throats chewed out by a domesticated dog, you need to bring yourself to understand what natural selection is, and how you fit right there in the middle of it and maybe the dog will piss on your face to cool you down after it totally wrecks your shit.
But aside from that, in all seriousness, I totally understand why it's important to have dogs on a leash and I can understand why it's a cause for concern for people in a society, I just don't understand people's irrational fear over a situation they have full control over. Sure, maybe some people are just scared of dogs, whatever, as long as they go home afterwards to dry their wet pussies.
I'll keep my dog on a leash, but no I won't ever feel the need to tell any dog owner in "fear for my fucking life" to put their dog on a leash because I'm not the type of person who would die after 48 hours in the jungle.