>>1369137 >>1369611I've been homeless in a vehicle in Florida. Shit sucked.
Who's gonna pay you to do yardwork or whatever? Morty Silverberg or Isaac Goldstein? Fucking Jews won't do that. Carlos Gonzales? Fucking Cubans are just brown Jews. Cletus T. Odell Bubba Bodine Jim Bob the Third? He would if could, but he ain't got no money. A negro? Niggrahs don't pay anybody to do shit.
The homeless programs are overtaxed in the cities and nonexistent in rural areas. Unless you name's Shaniqua and you have five little niggrah kids, you ain't getting shit. What, you want to hunt? You want to eat a Sandhill Crane? I ate a goddamn Sandhill Crane, it tasted like shit, and if they caught me poaching it would have been a fucking felony. The cops are dicks here.
Florida's a fucking terrible state to be homeless in.