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Wild edible plants, California Edition

No.1370055 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT we discuss common edible plants. Please list type, region, and any dangerous lookalikes. Resources and books appreciated.

Wild fennel, found in much of California. Easily identified visually. If you break the stems, it will have a strong, distinctive, licorice like smell.

The entire wild fennel plant is edible. The leaves are a nice green for salads and pastas. The seeds are a nice seasoning. Much of the plant can be used to make a nice herbal tea.

WARNING: Do not confuse wild fennel with wild parsnip. Wild parsnip has similar flowers, but lacks the dill like leaves. Wild parsnip does not smell like licorice when broken. Be especially cautious when handling wild parsnip, seeing as the sap causes a very nasty rash, similar to poison oak.