>>1382890Two days after that I went foraging again and found macrolepiota procera, identified because they were huge over 30cm tall shrooms, and two cantharellus cibarius, identified for their yellow coloration and well.. pretty much looked like the picture book specimen. Now macrolepiota I know they were the right ones because they were fuckhuge, but the cibarius.. they looked right but I only found two of them in a 3 km ratio area, sadly I don't have pic of the last foraging. Also the first time foraging I mixed the edible mushrooms with other non-identified-but-thought-edible that I later discarded because I wasn't sure about them (yes I know, I wasn't suppose to do that, I'm a retard).
Having said this, three days ago I met with a couple friends and one of them had a cold, next day after that I went foraging and day after went to france with shitty weather and I was quite tired from driving, so my (optimistic, and I suppose realistic) guess is that I catched a cold too, and it's just that..
I'm in the hospital waiting room now because I'm fucking retarded but I know these kind of errors can fuck you up for life or kill you so it's better to be safe than sorry.. anyway guys just wanted to vent shit up while I waited and this post actually helped me to relax a little so thank you and sorry for the rambling.. will keep you guys posted if interested.