>>1394865>How is MKUltra a critique of him?You are it seem like he is crazy, and thus, make his ideas seem invalid.
>It's part what made him and shouldn't be ignored because you like his ideasIt is not part of what made him, and I'm pretty sure even if it did "make him", his ideas are still logical and accurate.
>Also, the manifesto does not excuse his actions. The manifesto isn't nearly as novel as Ted wanted to believe and it is not more significant than the lives of people who died.I agree, those murders were morally wrong and I don't believe he should've done that. But if you read his manifesto he explains why he did it and his reasoning is logical and sensible(what I'm trying to say is that he is neither crazy or schizophrenic, as you make him out to be).
Sometimes a murder can make sense: imagine some guy rapes your daughter, and you take revenge by killing him.
Are you crazy? Schizophrenic? No.
Is it morally wrong to kill that guy? Yes.
Is it logical to do so? To me, it is. If you kill him he wont ever do any harm to anyone else, and you and your daughter would have some sort of peace knowing he can't harm anyone anymore.
Would I agree with killing that guy? No, but I would understand why you did it, because sometimes the logical thing to do is inmoral.
This is a good analogy for what Ted though, to him technology was the worst thing to ever happen to humanity, so it made sense to him to take action against it in any way he could.