>>1419795>can't sell American beef in Europe because it's full of PCP and growth hormone, both banned in Europe. This is true, I confirm. They also put a fucktonne of antibiotics into animals, which used to be banned in Europe but they do that now too. The animals fed antibiotics
undergo quaranteene to flush the drugs from their system before they are killed, but still.
>>1419823You are illiterate idiot. I'm a liberal myself, but completly unregulated free market only leads to monopolies created by the big guys, who can then dictate all the prices and rules. Read some books, anarchist scum - you are the true tools of mega-corporations.
Also, lack of regulations has drastically decreased food quality - for example - 1 company begins to use cancerous sweatener, oil or colour in their products. Other companies have no choice but to follow, because they can't beat the price.
Few years later, only small companies make cancer-free products, and only the rich can afford them, because of the small scale of production.
I'm Polish, 40yo, family of doctors, and it's insane how much illegal chemical shit has been made legal in food since 1989 and after we joined EU. It's all lobbysts buying bills.
And soon, all antibiotics will be ineffective due to it's wide use in meat production, and we'll be FUCKED.