>>1410725The objective
As vendors, we are trying to ensure that the purchaser does not use the wood or meadow for anything which would be a nuisance to neighbours - such as vehicle racing, or anything noisy or smelly - and so we agree a covenant with our buyers. The purchaser will also be asked not to subsequently divide the ownership of the wood or meadow into smaller units or erect signboards on the woodland or meadow.
However, we are also keen to support ideas that buyers have for developing low impact woodland crafts and woodworking – the sort of activity which is in harmony with a sustainable woodland environment.
The covenant is not intended to stand in the way of "One Planet Developments" in Wales where sustainable development may be appropriate in suitable woodlands. We are also not intending to prevent appropriate "Hutting" projects in Scotland.
Wording of the covenant (or "legal promise") for the transfer
The purchaser hereby covenants with the vendor for himself and for his successors in title not to use suffer or permit to be used the Property hereby transferred or any part of the same for any of the following:-
>Clay pigeon shooting or use of guns (apart from air powered weapons) for target practice of any kind.>Rough shooting or pest control at such times or in such manner as to be or become a danger or nuisance or annoyance to any person.>Racing or speed trials with cycles or any motorised vehicle.>A commercial campsite.>Business purposes other than that of agriculture or forestry.>Any use that causes or is likely to cause damage to access tracks on the Retained Land other than fair wear and tear.>Any use that would be or become a nuisance or annoyance to neighbouring owners or occupiers of land including the Transferor.>The installation or display of any signboard that is or may become visible from the public highway.https://www.woodlands.co.uk/buying-a-wood/covenant/