>>1418206>>1418212I hate the longnosetribe as much as anyone but consider this:
The illnesses that vaccinations protect against (and they do, if the argument stops there because you think that an MMR vaccine doesn't protect against MMR then you are too fucking retarded and probably don't even know what M M or R is) are much much worse than any autism that might arise, and mind you that is bullshit as well - vaccines are not responsible for autism. There are plenty of reasons OTHER than vaccinations to account for the bullshit we are seeing (declining sperm counts, etc). Half the shit we spray on the food we eat to protect against bugs will end up disturbing your endocrine systems, same with the clothes you wear, same with the memory foam mattress you lay on for 8 hours daily. These all have so much more of an impact on your overall functioning than a fucking vaccination.
Have you even read the redacted paper that started this vaccination scare? Do you know why it was redacted in the first place?