>>1430488Colorado is a blue state.
However the reasoning is very simple.
Red states have depressed economies, i.e. less inflation, lower cost of living, lower wages, lower property values. So you make millions of dollars owning a 2 bedroom 1200' home in a blue state with a high cost of living. You sell your multimillion dollar shack in L.A. and go retire like a god in some shithole like texas or oklahoma.
this isn't necessarily about blue or red though. Several blue states have terrible economies as well, so you could just as easily retire like a god in NM or Hawaii. But generally speaking, red states are the worst off economically so your California or Colorado money goes a very long way in Idaho or Oklahoma or Arizona or Florida or whatever southern shithole state you might prefer.
This is actually how many red states turned red in the first place- Florida and Arizona are only red states because of all the rich boomers selling their homes in blue states and retiring there. Those same boomers tend to vote red. But now we're seeing Gen X paying off houses and retiring in red states, and Gen X is very blue. So we're going to see a lot of red states turn blue as the country ages. Normal demographic changes. The GOP has courted the poorest and least educated groups, and they'll inevitably be bought out by Democrats who tend to be wealthier and younger.
Whatever your politics you can personally benefit from this dynamic, but it does require purchasing at least one house somewhere where it hasn't already happened. Or if you can manage it, purchasing a house in a HCOL blue state and paying it off so you can move to 3rd world red states and live like a king.