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Advice needed

No.1433327 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any cowboys out here?
Last summer I almost got killed by a cow.
I was walking past them by the stream embankment (some mountain torrent) and naturally kept my eye on them cows. Suddenly I saw one charging at me, head down. it was a normal size cow, not too young, with some horns, maybe young female, but i had no time to look.
I am not a matador, so I jumped off the embankment with my bakcpack on, and scratched all my arms badly. It could be worse since that concrete wall was much higher further down the path.
I wouldn't usually walk in the cows enclosures but the cowboys set them up there overnight and they were blocking my way out to get to the village.
How dangerous are they?
Will a shot in the air scare them?