>>143729I get a shot of Triamcinolone (a corticosteroid resembling cortisone) during the worst part of the season OP. This almost completely 'cures' my hayfever for about 6 weeks. It has a long list of possible side effects though, and not every doctor will be willing to give it to you for 'mere' hayfever. I myself have been getting a shot every summer for 6 years now without any side effects.
Without it I have to stay indoors almost permanently during the worst weeks. Preferably even in my room, since pollen sticking to other peoples' clothes already are enough to fuck up my day. During the milder days I use desloratadine and employ the usual tricks; washing hair and switching clothes multiple times a day (especially before bed), wearing sunglasses, apply a bit of Vaseline to the inside of your nostrils,keeping the windows and doors closed and only aerating the house after rain, ..
>>143858>>143883I've tried all kinds of dietary 'remedies' without much success. (And I mean really tried; stuck to them for an entire season) Most don't work and can be categorized under homeopathic quackery. Some I like, like the mentioned tea among others, because they help relieve some of symptoms, they do nothing to prevent them however.