>>1439115>muh greasy hairWhite people with blonde or brown hair do not get "grease".
If they do, the oil production is the result of bad hygiene and usually household mold growth from not being in the sun at all.
>muh morning breath Your mouth microbiome is shit for you to wake up with bad breath. Imagine being so disgusting and wretched that the first inhale is so noxious that you're compelled to brush the teeth.
Literally, the cause of it often is shit, with the vulgar, debased and revolting practice of oral sex performed on the anus being so widespread, the orifice where millions of pathogens aggregate, to which the mouth is an even more suitable environment. The vagina too contains pathogens that, if colonized on the mouth, contribute to halitosis. The entire act of male performed oral sex is effeminate,and generally a sign that you can't last. Everyone I have ever met with bad breath is usually a profligate, trash with "hickeys" visible, the sort who go on about their sexual escapades as if they're accomplishments.
There is nothing more irritating than defects like you. You're the problem here. You're the one so dependant on civilization that without its conveniences, you would be so revolting that some cave man would have brutally beaten you to death.