[49 / 7 / ?]
>be me (this'll be a long one) >raised by parents from a young age to "waste not, want not" >always finish what's on my plate >never a picky eater, just glad to be fed a warm meal >incidentally, even living alone in a city i don't eat out much, nor do i eat unhealthy >i do eat a fair bit though, thanks to fit >back home i lived in a suburb with half an acre of wooded backyard >father always taught me to show respect for nature >father would show me outdoor skills >firestarting >foraging for plants and mushrooms >throwing knives >one time, i wanted to see if i could smoke some meat using a hole and a canopy, and a bunch of fresh leaves >it took a really long time >from late morning to dark >he sat with me outside for like, eight hours that day >but my dad was not perfect >he had a passive nature >he was never really able to stand up to my mom >my mom had no interest in what we did outdoors >she had an authoritarian mindset >she was a tyrant at times >at the same time, she provided a foil for dad's gentle nature >don't get me wrong, she was effective at running the household, the family finances, and maintainin the household income >but i love her for different reasons >this passage is mainly about my dad >back to my dad >he loved the animals of the forest >he had a crowfeeder, where he would throw expired meat and grain >sometimes he would sprinkle loose popcorn or other grain on a bench for the squirrels too >in the summer, he would have a hummingbird feeder stocked with sugar water >in the winter and summer, he had a birdfeeder that the chickadees and nasty blue jays would pick out of >for compost, there was a big bucket that he would fill and later bring down to the compost pile, designated by wooden posts >more than once, you would switch on the light at night to find a horde of racoons picking through it >a couple times, there was a possum curled up right in the bucket, looking like "can i help you?" cont.
>>1441567 Learn how to greentext
>>1441569 Can't help it. I love my commas.
>oftentimes during the minnesota winter, the world would be covered in a sepia filter >the clouds obscured all light >the light that did come down was reflected off the white snow >the day was made light gray >the black trees would rise from the ground in fading black or brown >on these days, the only flash of color that could be seen was the green lettuce and red tomatos in the compost >it was and is, to this day, the most beautiful thing in ive ever seen >dad loved teaching me things >but he had rules >one rule, in fact >he never taught me how to hunt or trap >there were times when i asked him to >he said no >he said he didn't want to see the critters hurt >i didn't get it >but i sort of do now Cont.
>we were not the only ones living in that suburb >though all our neighbors were old couples >one had am extremely manicured lawn >he would spend hours on it >though je had a soft spot for my dog >he would let her roll around in it all she wanted >another neighbor had a vast and bounteous garden >every year she gave us jam >she let us pick crabapples and berries from her bushes and trees >yum >another neighbor had a prarie in his backyard >it was a beautiful little microcosm >animals loved it >but they didn't necessarily love the animals >the prarie couple set traps and exterminated the creatures that liked to live there >im sure a couple of my dad's racoons and possums wound up poisoned >it makes me sad >when taking out the compost today, i looked over at their yard >i wondered how many animals they had killed in their pursuit of perfection >how many possum lives equal the weight of their lives >they murder animals in cold blood >im not a hippy >but i also don't think killing things for no reason is good >how can they live with themselves, with the weight of all those souls on their conscience >what makes them so different from a murderer in jail who kills out of passion I don't know. That's all I really had to say. Sorry for taking up your time
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This makes me big sad, anon
>>1441578 >what makes them so different from a murderer in jail who kills out of passion They aren't killing other people.
You should kill them OP. See how they like being snared.
>>1441567 >>1441574 >>1441578 It's another vegan tries to appeal to /out/ episode. Move back to your suburb you fucking pussy.
>>1441693 >Father: show your respect for nature >Also Father: plows a half acre of nature for his mcmansion Anonymous
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>>1441706 I bet his harpy of a mother made him do it!
>>1441567 Well, son, an important part of becoming an adult is recognizing that everyone has had a unique and individual growing and learning experience different from your own that has resulted in different morals and values from your own. Part of being a mature adult is respecting that difference and not trying to ride your moral high horse over everyone else and compare them to literal murderers because you're so much better than them for giving a shit about a fucking raccoon. But maybe you'll understand some day, yeah?
>>1441693 Vegans murder plants. How many plant lives is an animal worth? Is there any end to the killing?
>>1441668 Who says human lives are more important than animal lives? We have no problem murdering poachers who try to kill the rare white elephants.
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>>1441670 I don't like killing things. That isn't how i was raised
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>>1441716 You sure are mad that I mocked you for pretending to care about animals. Like who cares if you like racoons that doesn't make you a good person
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>>1441721 >Who says human lives are more important than animal lives? Humans with more power than you, anon. You have no power at all, therefore you opinions do not matter.
>we have no problem murdering poachers who try to kill the rare white elephants. False dichotomy.
>>1441716 No, part of being a mature adult is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!
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>>1441716 >well son, I know Ithaca the Destroyer is a little different from you. Sure he likes ripping spines out of people's bodies and guzzling bone marrow, but he was raised in different curcumstances Anonymous
>passive father who didn't assert himself >he's a vegan Color me surprised
Dude I like feeding birds and taking care of animals but I don't feed vermin and pests. Raccoons are niggers who only deserve death. Caring about nature means keeping a balance. Urbanisation means natural predators can't have a habitat where humans live so it's up to us to enforce the control of animal populations. If there are too many raccoons they'll eat the food other animals need and they'll starve.
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>>1441739 Op here, wait your saying that by helping the racoons I'm killing everything else? No I can't process that because I love animals , you must be wrong
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>>1441729 Does the amount of skulls on you shelf after the battle is over really make you that happier? At what point does it become gratuitous?
>>1441739 Kinda interesting how our perceptions of life vary based on the makeup of
>>1441736 I am not a vegan. I like to hunt when it's for meat or skins. I'm talking about killing in cold blood.
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>>1441776 Take your religious bs back to pol
>>1441776 I used to live trap raccoons and toss the whole cage in our pond because it was such an easy and effective euthanasia method, but for some reason people called me all kinds of names, heartless, sociopath, fucked up ass hole, etc
I just wanted them to stop eating our chickens for fuckes sake
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>>1441811 Revenge killings are justified in my book
>>1441811 Anon, poisoning or shooting pests is a wee bit different from I CAGE AND DROWN SMALL ANIMALS
>>1441567 Fuck you and your bluejay hate.
>>1441815 Most people who live trap (so they can release non-target animals) use drowning as the #1 method to dispatch them. This is because in most areas it is illegal to shoot a caged animal and illegal to poison animals except mice and rats. Though, in many locations it is illegal to poison rats and mice outside since non-target animals can be poisoned as a result (owls for instance).
>>1441578 I would recommend this doc from Vice. It shows the old school of trapping and hunting from people that actually survive by killing animals. To me this sort of hunting and trapping seems so beautifully human.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq0rZn8HFmQ Anonymous
>>1441824 Blue jays act like niggers to all the other birds. They're so mean. It's like, chill dude, there's enough to go around.
>>1441833 VICE is liberal propoganda.
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ITT we entertain the ramblings of a weak "man"
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This post was gay and you should be embarrassed for making it. If you're gonna try to write prose, a greentext isn't the right format. Also there was no point to this story and I feel worse off for having wasted my time reading it
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>>1441739 >Raccoons are niggers who only deserve death. Fuck you. They’re just doing what they can to survive like all other animals.
>>1441832 Why not just dispatch them by breaking their necks?
>>1442042 Getting bitten by a wild animal is neither fun or sanitary.
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>>1442044 Gloves and a strong v shaped stick works fine
>>1442042 Well raccoons in particular are one of the most common sources of rabies, so why even take the risk of handling them when I can just toss the bastard in a shallow pond and go fish him out later whenever I remember it
>>1442092 Why not airgun to the head because it's more humane?
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>>1441832 I sever the head from the animals i trap, i dont particularly enjoy it but its the quickest method and allows me to comfort the animal before it happens.
>>1442099 The old trappers I learned from swore that if you ever shot one in the trap then they would stop going in that trap. They could smell the blood or somehow sense death there for a few weeks no matter how much you cleaned or washed the trap
It might have just been superstition but it's how I was taught, dont see a reason to do it any different now. Yeah yeah humane but cmon drowning isnt that bad is it? It's over in like 30 seconds, a minute or so at max. At least I dont starve them
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>>1442109 Holy fuck dude, how do you think a minute of drowning "isn't that bad"? Have you ever started drowning?
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>>1441835 Old Vice has some hilarious documentaries about Africa though. Like the African moonshine epidemic, niggers smoking AIDS medication to get high, and the exploits of cannibal warlords like General Butt-Naked. Used to run those documentaries on my second monitor while playing Far Cry 2. Good times.
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>>1441578 killing people is a crime because destroying government property is illegal
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should she keept it? what do you think?
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>>1441578 >the prarie couple set traps and exterminated the creatures that liked to live there Probably had a horse break a leg.