Alright OP, here’s a concept that might not have occurred to you: these people have been looking at jaw dropping nature for MONTHS on end. What blows our minds is absolutely passé for them, just like an astronaut is probably bored when watching Interstellar. They blast through the landscape, pause for the absolute diamonds of views and move on. Their goals are usually different to yours - they want to complete a gruelling and arduous trek that causes many weaker people to quit completely, in a certain timeframe, and yes there is sometimes competitiveness fueling them too. They have seen more nature in their trek than most people see in their lives, and sublime and grandiose as it is, the average nature gets boring and loses a little spark eventually.
Kind of like art coinneusers. They see hundreds of paintings a day that we might spend hours looking at a single one of, only occasionally does something stop them because it contains such potent magic. And it’s very likely, given their developed taste, that that painting is probably something really special to the viewer. Doesn’t mean the other paintings are trash or that you’re a worthless pleb for enjoying them, it’s just a different approach to appreciating the world
The neon colours are usually to keep high spirits and fun. Believe it or not, wearing badass earth tones actually starts to depress you a little when your lifestyle is basically glorified homelessness and extreme physical torment every day, especially if you have a weather window to complete the trek within before winter sets in. Besides, plenty of /out/ cultures have dressed in neon - look at Mongolia, Native Americans, European pagans etc. It’s perfectly possible for neon to be /out/ Chadwear