Feel free to post tobaccos (no weed allowed), pipes, collections, pics of favorite combos for going /out/, pics of what you're doing with your pipe and any questions you might have.
Want to get into smoking pipes without spending too much cash?
Get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend corncob pipe and a pouch of either Prince Albert, Carter Hall or Half and Half tobacco, available at most drugstores.
What you'll need: pipe, tobacco, lighter or matches, pipe cleaners, and either a regular old nail or a pipe tool (combination tamper, scoop, and small pick).
All of these together should run you less than $20.
Having trouble keeping your pipe lit? Fill it with less tobacco and smoke it slower than you think you need to, lightly tamping as needed when the smoke starts thinning out.
If you're still having trouble, try filling your pipe this way:
https://youtu.be/0XHYPso7TXs Old thread
>>1411915 Come on in and get comfy.
step aside vaper masterrace coming through
>>1447036 What's wrong with English? I mostly smoke Virginias and aromatics, but occasionally I like a nice strong English blend to mix it up.
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>>1447080 >vaper The fedora of the pipe tobacco world. Even the name implies it.
I recently bought a hobbits churchwarden so I can smonk tobaccy when I go out I have never smonked tobaccy before but I want something fun to do as I go /out/ Maybe if I associate smonking tobaccy with /out/ I'll get addicted and never come back to my room and rot like a little loser holding his sad little red inflamed cock
>>1447082 Nothing is wrong with them exactly, just personal preference. I like smoking an occasional English, but for an all day every day smoke I stick to virginias or vapers, I love that hay/grassy taste. To me, aromatics have no taste whatsoever and burn too hot to be enjoyable.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Relapsing into drunk-posting But MacBaren Scottish mixture is a good gas station smoke when they are out of golden flake Does kind of smell like a tire on I promise i Will her Some /out/ pipegen oc when i can
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1447148 >MacBaren is a gas station smoke Must be nice, here the only gas station smoke is that shitty ryo tobacco they sell as pipe tobacco for cheaper taxes
Smoking orlik golden sliced and drinking knob creek bourbon right now
>>1447143 >aromatics have no taste whatsoever and burn too hot to be enjoyable. Gotta slow that shit down until it's on the verge of going out. And you have to experiment to find the best humidity level for each specific blend. IMO, aromatics are the most sensitive kind of tobacco to pack and pace; if either of those things aren't close to bang-on, you'll have a mediocre smoke. Takes some skill to do it right, but it's pretty good when you do.
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who /vanilla/ here
>>1447163 Right, and I understand that. I'm just not that patient nor skilled for that, atleast as it stands right now. I like my virginas that I can smoke like a freight train and get no bite whatsoever. However, like the occasional english, I do still have an occasional aromatic. I've found that I'm really fond of sutliff great outdoors and to a lesser degree, molto dolce.
>>1447173 What's your top 3 Virginias?
>>1447188 Orlik golden sliced
Newminster 400
Peter stokkebye luxury bullseye
Those are the 3 that i smoke the most, however if you or anyone else knows of any other good vapers/virginias id love to know
>>1447195 Escudo Navy de Luxe is good, and Suttlif Red Virginia Crumble Kake is fucking wild.
>>1447188 Solani 663 Virginia
GL pease Union Square
Rattrays Old Gowrie
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lol soi nuevo en 4chan
>>1447333 Escudo has been on my list for a while, I hear nothing but good things about it. Sutliff looks interesting, I don't think I've had too many red virginias before so I ought to give that a try.
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>>1447360 Escudo is nothing but hot air when smoked fresh but great with a few years on the tin.
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>>1447350 also Reiner long golden flake is great.
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>>1447360 The Crumble Krake was really surprising to me. Super sweet and tangy but with a few deeper notes. There were a few times during my initial smoke where I could swear I was tasting those chocolate orange candy things.
>>1447350 that looks tasty as fuck, what are the fish? that lighter is tacky tho
look what i found at my local brick and mortar. They also had 2 Nightcaps but I'm not really into that .
>>1447387 >had 2 Nightcaps >not really into that does your anus also hang loose
>>1447435 latakia blends all taste the same to me and I still have some Nightcap from early 2016
>>1447375 Looks to be dried roach and capelin, with some pickled herring in the bowl. I'm sure other countries have them as well, but Russians are particularly fond of dried fish with beer, look up dried vobla or moiva or whatever. If you have an Eastern European store in your area, they'll probably have it. Shit's delicious.
>>1447438 >latakia blends all taste the same Finally someone said it
>>1447478 that's a pic from mads
>>1447148 >pipe smoker >has friends ????
>>1447608 Swine Scandinavians stealing muh Russian culture. Don't trust them, savages all.
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>>1447782 >fish >not scandi culture Pick exactly one
>>1447032 how do you get into this? not a ciggy smoker or a weed smoker or anything like that, is it worth getting into or is it just a sure fire way to get cancer? seems comfy and effay, would love to give it a fair go. is it even worth doing?
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>>1447608 Actually I'm Azerbaijani and a lot of our cuisine is influenced from Russia
>>1447867 >how do you get into this Literally the 2nd paragraph in the OP.
>is it just a sure fire way to get cancer No. Neither is cigarette smoking for that matter, but casual pipe smoking (ie. 1 bowl a day or less) carries such low cancer rates that it's indistinguishable from nonsmokers.
>is it even worth doing No, we just pretend to like it, that's why we post ITT. What do you think?
>>1447948 wait you're saying you dont get cancer from cigarettes or pipes? at all? have i been lied to my whole life?
>>1447948 also I'm australian so the second paragraph doesnt help me as much and i dont know what any of the stuff even is. Sorry i should have clarified that.
>>1447953 You do get cancer from cigarettes, but you have definitely been lied to. The rate of cancer in cigarette smokers, according to the US Surgeon General, is higher for some kinds of cancer (2+ times), but interestingly, lower than nonsmokers for others (but not so much lower that it cancels out the increase). It also usually takes a long time to develop cancer from cigarette use (bear in mind that you will get cancer even as a nonsmoker if you live long enough), which is why it wasn't immediately apparent that cigarettes were harmful. When it comes to pipes, that same report found that mortality rates for pipe smokers using 10+ bowls a day were statistically insignificant from the general population. Cancer rates for that group were very slightly above the control group. It's safe to say that nobody here smokes anywhere near that much (a bowl lasts anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on size and pace), because you'd literally be smoking all day nonstop. Most people have a pipe a few times a week tops, some manage a bowl a day. It's safe to say that if you ran a study on casual pipe smokers, you would not be able to distinguish a meaningful difference between them and nonsmokers; the frequency of use is simply too low.
What's truly cancerous is Australia's tobacco and import laws. You'd probably have the best luck if you order online, maybe customs won't catch it and tax you horribly. It's my understanding that tobacconists aren't all that common down your way, plus even if you found one you'd still be paying the tax AND a markup since it's a physical store. As a leaf, I've had the best success with 4noggins, they tend to label international shipments as "packing supplies" or some such thing, helps it slide under the radar.
>>1447782 More like Russian culture inheriting from Scandi culture via Kievan Rus, learn your damn history
>>1448057 >Kievan Rus You mean the people who, if they even had Varangians migrate among them, were still overwhelmingly Slav, with Slavic culture and Slavic practices?
>>1448079 t. proud descent of subhuman peasant class
reposting my morta question: Who has a morta pipe? What do you typically smoke in it? I just got one a few weeks ago and like my perique blends in it. (not pictured: Orion's Arrow smokes well in it)
>>1447722 To be fair, he’s a Finn. Their culture is much more tolerant of smoking.
>>1448126 >Finn I thought he was a Dane.
Based on his answer for "Best /out/ country" Where he stated Denmark because it has access to Sweden and Finland without having to actually live there.
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>>1447953 Pipe smoking is why cigarette smoking was thought to be harmless for so many years. Because for the most part, it is.
Here’s THE Surgeon General’s report from 1964 that established the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.
https://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/access/nnbbmq.pdf Here’s what it says on page 86 of that report (Page 93 on the PDF):
>For current pipe smokers (Table 5), men smoking less than 10 pipefuls per day have death rates very close to those of non-smokers. >For heavy pipe smokers (10 or more per day) two studies show increases of 15 and 12 percent in death rates, but the other two studies show little or no increase. >The over-all mortality ratio of 1.05 does not differ statistically from unity. For reference, 1 is normal cancer risk for nonsmokers, and 1.89 is their mortality rate for cigarette smokers from a couple of pages before.
>>1448129 my bad. Danes are pretty lax about smoking too.
>>1448142 >>1448126 But isn't pipe smoking considered fedora tier? I've always avoided smoking in public for this reason.
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>>1448160 >Caring about what some random thinks You see, that's where you went wrong.
You're enjoying the situation less just because of what you personally think that someone else MIGHT think.
In reality no one cares. And even if they did, you shouldn't.
>>1448087 >butthurt that Russia will be top superpower by 2020 >>1448160 Not really, vaping took over. The few people I've ever seen smoking pipes in public were old guys. I don't smoke in public because there is never anywhere comfortable to sit, as compared to smoking in my garden or my smoking shack in the winter. But I wouldn't give a fuck about what others think. The more people are exposed to it, the more people will start smoking. Supply will chase demand, and maybe we won't have bullshit like Dunhill pulling out of the market.
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>>1448160 Just do it. Who’s going to care? Most people give zero fucks as long as you’re not hurting them.
>>1447973 we have tobacconists here, but like i said i don't know what type of tobacco to get or how to even do it
>>1448345 >what type of tobacco to get or how to even do it If you want to get all your stuff local instead of online/from the US, go down to your tobacconist's and buy a corncob pipe, a cheap pipe tool, and some tobacco. If he's a pipe smoker, see what he recommends with regards for tobacco. If he has pic related, try that. You can try some aromatics too (they're flavored tobacco, and usually mild) but bear in mind they're tricky to smoke properly; you have to smoke really slow or else you risk getting tongue bite and killing the flavor due to burning too hot.
Then go on YouTube and watch some pipe packing and smoking instructional videos. Pretty straightforward.
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>>1448363 Thanks for the tip
>had perfect teeth despite drinking soda everyday for years, eating mostly garbage and not brushing for weeks at a time (don't ask.) >anon on another board got me interested in pipe smoking over two years ago and I figured it would be a good idea to keep my drinking down >researched to find the health effects of pipe smoking and didn't find anything dental related surprisingly >still, I at least make an effort to brush more regularly >sometimes when I had good tobacco, the tar residue left a pleasant taste in my mouth so, on occasion, I'd let it linger for a couple of days >knew that tobacco was anti-bacterial so I assumed the tar would be to (fucking stupid I know) >started dipping (also don't ask) almost a year into it, so I make even more of an effort to brush at least once a day as well as Listerine but sometimes I'd come to from the bar with a friend and pass out >after getting regular exercise I start to have more energy so I start brushing twice a day + listerine + flossing, literally better than ever >fast forward almost a year later and decide to go to the dentist just for a check-up before my insurance runs out after not seeing one in over 5 years >hit with 20+ cavities including the top front teeth, teeth have degraded to that of an 80-year-old in about a year tl;dr: had perfect teeth and now they're really fucked up from what I suspect from smoking + not ideal dental hygiene. Could this have been caused by anything else or did the smoking (+ not brushing twice daily) really fuck me over? I know not brushing daily is super disgusting and I realized that but by the time I did it was already far too late. My teeth were one of the few good qualities I had and I've just been feeling like I've been JUSTed hard. If I knew it was caused also by other factors it would at least make me feel a little bit better about it
>>1448615 >drinking soda everyday for years, eating mostly garbage and not brushing for weeks at a time Now I'm no dentist, but I'm pretty sure most of the damage was done long before you started smoking.
>>1448620 Really? Because I went to the dentist for the first time at 20 (shit parents) and the dentist was shocked at how my teeth were so dirty yet were completely cavity-free. He remarked that I had "good genetics." He died before my 2nd appointment with him so I didn't get to go to another dentist until I was almost 26.
I didn't start noticing changes until maybe 6-8 months after I started smoking while looking in the mirror and fast forwarding to another 6-8 months I saw what looked like small dark spots on my molars which I knew had to be cavities but I wasn't entirely sure as I didn't know what cavities were suppose to look like. I knew it wasn't the dipping because the teeth where I kept my dip at were one of the few that were entirely spotless. I also had a very small cavity that had cropped up overnight on my only front tooth that was unaffected when I was spending the night at parent's house. I had a couple cigars there (as well as using my general snus) and went to be without brushing (just this one night). It definitely wasn't there when I went to the dentist just a few months prior to this.
If what you are saying is true then that would be some relief but all the changes had occurred too suddenly to be at ease.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1448126 >>1448129 yea, im Danish
>>1448142 some are, some are absolute anti-smoking commie zealots, but i dont hang around with those types
>>1448160 dont let memes rule your life, ive never had a single negative respons to my pipesmoking, mostly just utter indeference or the "huh, neat, reminds me of my grandpa" stuff, or compliments on the smell
>>1448197 >vaping took over i hate vaping with a BURNING passion, i was on a hike once with a group with a dude who kept sucking on that robot cock SSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH -noise intensifies- all the god damn time, and the horid fucking stench of redbull. what an absolute waste of oxygen of a human
(and he only ate vegetarian nuggets, atleast he carried them himself, but good god)
I keep hearing rumors about some Japanese company buying the rights to the Dunhill pipe and cigar tobacco formulas or whatever. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
>>1448627 Confirmed for having gone to a shit dentist the first time.
>oral cancers of every kind >makes teeth yellow >makes teeth fall out >breath smells like dog dicks >instantly reduced lung function if inhaled >chemically addictive MURIWANA BIG NO NO
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>>1449088 >>breath smells like dog dicks personal experience i assume?
>>1447151 That's a nice Falcon, anon!
>>1449088 If you want to start your own thread about weed, please do so.
We just don’t want to talk about it here.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1448627 >>1449084 really makes me appreciate my based af dentist even more, hes a god damn wizard, personally never really had any of the bad stuff associated with smoking on my teeth except slight discoloration on the right front tooth since its 70% plastic from an old accident.
so he just nonchalant one day asks what my brand of tobacco is and we have a chat about it
>his clinic is decorated in pictures of jaguars, the car and the animal. >he´s an old taste tester for Carlsberg (we´ve had many a chat on this too)
>he has beer on tap in his waiting room because he would rather his patiens smell like fresh beer then old coffee >he will gladly offer his patients a Gammel Dansk or Whiskey to calm their nerves and yes
>he has a warning/notice from the dentists society or whatever that criticises him for the, well, booze but they never could get enough dirt on him to actually harm his practice, again, cuz he is a fucking wizard, opens at dawn, closes at dusk, great for people who actually work who cant just take the day off to go to the dentist, works faster then any dentist ive ever had. sadly he will retire within like 10 years and i will have to get a non-comfy dentist who is probably stuck up his own ass
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1449249 >>he has a warning/notice from the dentists society or whatever that criticises him for the, well, booze - > - Proudly displayed on his wall next to his beer tap Anonymous
>>1447955 >Australian Sorry mate you’re right fucked. Enjoy paying like $100 for what costs $10-$15 here in the States.
>>1449251 That is beyond based.
That man is a goddamn national treasure.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1449275 I genuinely don't know what dentist to go to when he retires, he doesn't either
, which, taking the man's skill as a dentist into account is kinda scary .
Anyway. Just finished the last of my Vauen English blend, for the next tin I hunger for latakia, then again may always be swayed
>>1447955 Corncob pipe is just a cheap pipe that’s all wood, with no plastic anywhere outside of the mouthpiece, yet costs less than $10 over here.
Pipe cleaners are little pieces of wire wound with fuzz to clean out the shit that collects in pipes when they’re smoked. A pack costs about $2.
A pipe tool is a little thing that can fit on your keychain. It has a little flat piece for tamping your lit tobacco down, a little pick for cleaning out your pipe’s airway and a small spoon for scraping unburnt tobacco out of the bowl. It usually costs $3 here.
Tobacco is self-explanatory. Those tobacco blends are all widely available in America for around $5, and often have rebates that make them even cheaper. Over there in Ausland, most of that stuff is at least twice the price, and the tobacco likely much more than that.
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>>1449271 *cries in celsius*
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>>1449320 Thanks for the help
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>>1449084 No, I really didn't have any cavities the first time. The spots I have on my teeth I am 100% certain were not there back then and had occurred only within the past couple of years tops. Apparently my mother had really good teeth when she was younger too.
New tobacco day. I'm starting the process of, once finding a blend I like, ordering doubles of it every time I need more so I can start building my cellar. So far it's just 16 oz of Plum Pudding, 2 oz Escudo Navu de Luxe, and 2 oz Red Crumble Kake.
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after making cigarettes, you can just taste the chemicals on the store ones. some tom fuckery going on.
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5 cartons for 30 bucks, thank you generous host! ah ha ah ha ha ha!
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1449103 Would you believe me if I told you it was the first briar pipe o bought?
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Damn, SotE Flake is good. This was my first time trying it and I'm super impressed. Given it's 50% Latakia I was expecting it to be a very in your face sort of blend, but it ended up being really subtle and subdued in a pleasant an enjoyable way. There was a lot of peppery spiciness that came through along with some deep, chocolately sweet notes from the Red Virginias, which I think are in particular what balanced the smokiness of the Latakia so well.
>>1449785 You obviously have good taste then haha my first pipe (still have it today) is this little Dr Grabow Lark. Decent little pipe but it gets clogged easily
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>>1450179 Did you take this picture in 1998?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1449561 Wish I could try esoterica. Despite being made in the British Isles, you can’t buy it here for love nor money. I made a rush decision to buy three tins of Dunhill’s Aperitif late last year - which turned out to be a smart choice. Charatan haven’t produced a match for that particular dunhill blend; I assume it just isn’t as popular. Other than that, I have a few tins of Solani Burly flake and a large mason jar of Gawith’s Autumn Flake.
Are there any analogues of Nightcap sold by other companies? Everyone raves about it, but I've never tried it and now that Dunhill has shit the bed it's pretty much vanished.
>>1450562 So apparently in Europe McConnell has made straight copies of the re-released Dunhill line up. Unfortunately my discovery of this was combined with the discovery that all my go to European web distributors (IE Danish Pipe Shop) can/will no longer ship to the US of A. Feels bad man.
>>1450562 Lots.
Nightcap is one of those classic blends that anyone and everyone has copied at one point in time or another.
Almost everything that has the words “full-flavored English” or “healthy amount of Latakia” is a Nightcap clone.
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>>1450624 Well fuck.
>>1450775 Yeah, but are they all comparable in terms of replication quality? I'd like to form an opinion on everybody's favorite blend, but it's hard without the genuine product, so I figure the copy ought to be as close as possible to the original.
Picked up this nice Rhodesian a couple of weeks ago. Looking forward to smoking it as soon as the weather lets up. Mad Fiddler Flake by C&D and some Stokkebye Bullseye Flake are ready.
>>1450562 Can't you find any nightcap in your area? What about online ordering?
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>>1451165 damn, that looks swank af
>>1451203 Nope, already checked, nightcap is all gone from all local (and not so local) tobacconists. I looked at a few places online, and none of them have any. I was under the impression that the supply dried out a while back, since everyone did a panic buy when the news broke about Dunhill.
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>>1451313 Where do you live? I'm sure that some anon here might send you a pipefull of dunhill over mail if they live somewhat close
>>1451165 Is it stamped Muhsin?
>>1451203 Nightcap was one of the very first Dunhill blends to go. I like Royal Yacht, so i’m In the same boat.
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>>1453872 I'm probably going to buy myself a tin or two of dunhill nightcap and cellar it
>>1453872 I forgot: I'm thinking about buying a ton of dunhill tobaccos. Like ye old signe and royal yacht, but I don't know which ones are good (only ever smoked nightcap, Morning pipe, mixture 965), so I'm not sure which ones I'd like and I don't want to spend too much money
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>>1450448 Join the club.
De brækker din arm, de bæster!
>>1448142 Generally yes.
I saw some article about smoking in Denmark a few days ago. Afair it was 16% of all adults who had been smoking within the past month or so.
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>>1448615 You're diet is lacking in the oral health department. For example: You wont get a cavity from having meat linger in your mouth for months, but with sugar you could.
>>1448615 The only thing smoking does to your teeth is yellowing. If anything smoke is anti-bacterial.
(gums is a different matter)
I would suggest you to not being a retard and take a look at basic dental hygiene.
>>1453947 Tried a bunch of their stuff. Liked the Navy Rolls (escudo is very similar), Flake, 965 and Royal Yacht. Have some Ye Olde Signe, but haven’t cracked it open yet
>>1447350 Stop drinking Guinness out of a can you fucking subhuman
>>1454634 It's fucking Guinness, mate. It really doesn't matter.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Exactly what causes a pipe to taste metallic towards the end? Like 7/8ths down? Does anyone know?
>>1454639 Can confirm. Guinness is tasteless and awful
>>1454647 That’s a new one. I’ve had stuff taste sour at the end before, but metallic?
Is the pipe broken in? Is it clean? Have you been having trouble smelling things lately? That’s all I’ve got.
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>>1455025 >Guinness is tasteless and awful It's alright if there's nothing else, but it is a very watery stout. Hate it when people spout that "b-b-but it's so thick, meal in a glass!" bullshit.
>>1448615 Do you own any cats or household pets?
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>>1454499 I'm probably going to look for a nightcap, a royal yacht, a ready rubbed and a ye olde signe
>>1454639 >>1455025 I presume you're both American. I've never been to America myself but the general consensus here is that Guinness in other countries isn't as good as it is here. Getting it straight from the tap in a comfy pub is even better than the can.
t. Irish anon
What is the advantage of pipes over cigars, I've almost bought a pipe a few times but i usually end up buying a whole brick of cigars for what a decent pipe seems to cost.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1455285 >Bottom depends on the cost of tobacco
in my experience pipe tobacco has a wider "range" of taste, might be wrong thoug
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>>1455269 Can confirm, it's godly on tap. The head rides all the way down. I'm in America, there's a couple bars here that has it on tap
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>>1455285 Cheaper overall. You can smoke with a corncob just as well, if you're concerned about cost.
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>>1455269 Depends where you are. English-American anon here, Guinness on draft in NYC is fantastic. Elsewhere I've found it's a crapshoot.
>>1455180 Ive been lucky in my short year of Pipe smoking; got a few tins of Esoterica but McClelland Frog Morton blends will likely forever elude me unless I ebay shop.
>>1455366 The frog Morton’s weren’t anything special just the old standby beginner blend. Mcclellands in general was good (and will be sorely missed) but you’re not greatly missing out by not having frog Morton’s specifically.
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>>1455371 The Frogs were perfect daily smokes: cheap, simple, delicious. That said, what i miss most were the amazing (and much underappreciated) oriental blends, especially the Samsun. Blue Mountain was one of the best balkans and Sleepy Hollow (I think it was called) was a GOAT aromatic. Damn I miss Mclelland.
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>>1447350 where do you get those matches?
I know it isnt pipe related per se but does anyone know where I can find Lucky Strikes? I've been watching mad men and really want to try them and change it up from my pipe but the past few gas stations I've been to dont have them.
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>>1455285 Corncob pipes are cheap asf and god-tier smokers.
Let me put it this way: if you are choosy, find a good one and break it in JUST right, a $100+ briar will smoke almost as well as a $7 cob before it’s broken in.
>>1455392 Probably have to go to a dedicated tobacco shop. That and camel unfiltered are elder god tier smokes.
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>>1455408 Any chemical taste? Normally a pipe or cigar smoker but the only cigs ive tried are marlboros which taste like windex and american spirits which are better
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>>1455285 Factory made briar pipes are priced purely on aesthetics, rather than how they smoke. Peterson, as an easy example, will take a box of briar blocks and shape all of them into a single shape (999, for example). Those unfinished pipes will be grouped by appearance of the grain and number of imperfections (dark spots, tiny holes). Maybe one or two will end up in their most premium ranges. Another ten or twenty with straight/attractive grain will used for their “Flame grain” range (for example). The majority will end up in their standard ranges (i.e. standard system/dublin/ashford). Those pipes with a lot of imperfections will end up rusticated. But they’ll all be drilled and bored together, and they’ll all smoke the same.
Even if this wasn’t the case, briar pipes (unlike cob or meerschaum pipes) benefit from a “cake”. Cake being the colloquial for a thin layer of solidified carbon around the inside of the bowl that develops as the pipe is smoked. A properly drilled and bored pipe made by an amateur will likely smoke just as well as any other pipe you can find when it has a cake.
If you can’t bring yourself to buy a briar pipe, buy a Missouri Meerschaum Cob pipe instead. It’ll smoke just as well for a tenth of the price.
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>>1455285 The pipe itself yes, but one pipe will last for years. Where the savings come in is with the tobacco.
With cigars, you’re paying $8-10 per stick for decent stuff and each cigar lasts an hour or so. With a pipe, you’re paying $15-20 per 50 grams of premium pipe tobacco, and every 2g bowlful lasts you an hour.
So with a $100 pipe (and lots of them are WAY under that price), you’re at even money vs a bundle of premium cigars after a single tin of tobacco. By the second tin, the savings have begun to really add up.
What really sets pipes apart is the wider variety of flavors. Most cigars are centered around one particular flavor profile. If you love it great; if you don’t too bad, because that’s what they’ve got. With pipes, you have dozens of choices and flavor profiles. If you get bored with one, just try another until you find one you like.
>>1455180 IS that the new Simplicius Simplicissimus? How is it?
>>1455605 Yeah it is and I'm really enjoying it so far. The book itself reminds me of Don Quixote (no surprise) but with much darker humor and more violence. Underwood's translation is very readable but he sprinkles in the occasional archaic English word that makes it feel more authentic and fun.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Frozen lake and pipe
>>1447438 >>1447549 >latakia blends all taste the same you lads have me absolutely livid
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>>1454647 Its the tar and moisture that collects in the bottom of the bowl
>>1455923 They legitimately all smell and taste the same to me. I can pick out differences in vaper and burley or whatever other blends but latakia just overpowers whatever its mixed with. Just personal preference lad
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>>1455877 Thanks.
Was going to read it a couple of years ago but decided to wait for the new translation.
Need to get to it.
>>1456004 >>1447549 >>1447438 Ive heard this from a few people before but I think it just comes with the smoker desu. Latakia blends tend to be day and night to me when comparing them. Straight Virginians on the other hand I have to really puzzle them out to figure if they use brights, or reds, or dark. At least we can agree that Aromatics are not out /out/ amirite?
>>1448105 Just got one, still fresh in box, thinking about smoking Vintage Syrian or some Plum Pudding in it.
>>1456084 Definitely comes to the smokers particular palette, just like bourbon and scotch or something. But yeah, aromatics are pretty garbage. They're for hipster fags that smoke in public and want to be noticed. Why else would you smoke something that has little to absolutely zero taste but you can smell a mile away?
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>>1456125 Not all aromarics have "zero
taste" and this is coming from a guy who smokes non-aromatic 98% of the time. Dan Tobacco, for instance, makes some excellent tasting aromatics. Mclelland and even some Sutliff also come to mind.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1447608 No? I I do love pickled herring tho
I found some second hand pipe tobacco from the 1950s, it's in a small woven bag, unopend, and probably dried out completely, can I still smoke this?
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>>1456277 Maybe, if it’s not moldy and you rehydrate it.
But would you want to? After sitting in an open bag for that long, many of the flavors are going to be oxidized away.
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>>1456277 Could try, but I've had rehydrated tobacco that was only a couple years old and it didn't taste particularly great, or anything like it was supposed to. Anyway, there's only one way to find out, so do it faget.
Thinking of picking up a case doctors knife as a pipe knife? Thoughts? Butt of knife as tamper, spatula for scraping. Pen knife for plug and other edc stuff? I never use the rod poker on the Czech tool anyway, only the tamper and scoop/scraper
Just picked up some Charatan Eventide, supposedly a nightcap replacement. Here's hoping it's a good smoke.
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>>1457470 Let us know. I know a lot of people want a decent replacement.
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>>1449251 Madsen mail me some Snuss.
Who else has one of these?
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>>1458721 Be honest, how many times has that been in your ass?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1458721 Why are they always so lumpy looking?
Guys, I don't understand the difference between aromatics and non-aromatics. What makes a tobacco an aromatic, do they add flavouring? Is Peterson Sherlock Holmes an aromatic? Is it the Virginia tobacco (I think that's high in natural sugars). I'm a relatively new pipe smoker, and just recently got the hang of it (ie. not needing to relight every 2 mins and actually tasting the tobacco instead of tongue bite), hoping to branch out to either aromatics, if Peterson Sherlock Holmes isn't an aromatic, or non-aromatics if it is an aromatic.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1458923 >do they add flavouring? yes, this. either for taste or for smell
the way i rationalize it in my mind is, its kinda like beer
you have beer right? that can have all sorts of stuff in it, from berry juice to coffee grounds, brewed in all sorts if different ways, then you have beer brewed to Reinheitsgebot, then its just water, barley and hops
you can "naturally" get all sorts of flavours from ""just"" tobacco, but, if you add literal whiskey then it become an aromatic, if i understand it right
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>>1448126 >his name is 'Madsen Maskingevær' >not 'Ikki Kiruuomi' or something obviously he's not finnish. Cmon man dont make us Americans look bad
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>>1448615 Its because you didn't brush your teeth retard
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>>1458923 The strongest consensus you'll get is that an aromatic blend is one that has been flavoured in some way. This can be plain sugar, fruit, something floral or something alcoholic. Even then you'll find someone who takes issue with that definition.
With that in mind, Sherlock Holmes is a self-confessed aromatic. Or at least Peterson say Mac Baren add fruit/citrus flavouring to it. Frankly, I've never tasted it. It smells like air-cured red virginia, and tastes like air-cured red virginia with burly. A lot of people would call it a crossover blend because it straddles the line between aromatic and non-aromatic.
Because differences between blends of the same type can be completely different (an American aromatic topped with something sweet is going to be radically different to an English aromatic topped with something floral); I'd recommend exploring blends that sound interesting, rather than different types of blends.
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>>1447350 >dried fish, pancakes and caviar From what mystical land do you herald?
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>>1458721 I'm normal, not into putting stuff up my ass.
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>>1458923 Aromatics are all about the flavor that is put in, whatever that might be. To do this and not have it taste really weird,they have to make the tobacco more neutral tasting.
This is where the Cavendish process comes in. The tobacco is steamed to tone down its natural flavors and get it ready for the flavor addition(s), which they combine with some sort of binder (like sugar) to help it stick to the tobacco.
With non-aromatics, the flavor of the tobacco itself is front and center. They can be as simple and mild as a single type of common tobacco, or as complicated and complex as a multi-part blend with condimental types from all over the world.
Speaking of which, condimental tobaccos are very strongly flavored types that can influence the flavor of a blend in one way or another with just a small addition. Common condimental tobaccos include Latakia (which is smoked over cedar wood), perique (which is pressed together and barrel cured), and exotic strains of tobacco like Samsun and Izmir, which have much more pronounced natural flavors.
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>>1447350 lighter ruins this.
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>>1458770 because they're badly made by some drug addict.
Didn't read a single post of this faggot thread full of cancerous posers. Just wanted to pop by to say enjoy dying early from a painful and disgusting disease.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1461649 Okay. I will continue to enjoy my pipe then
>>1461649 >pipe smoking is guaranteed cancer Not according to the Surgeon General it isn’t.
From the landmark 1964 study linking cigarette smoking and cancer:
> For current pipe smokers (Table 5), men smoking less than 10 pipefuls per day have death rates very close to those of non-smokers. >For heavy pipe smokers (10 or more per day) two studies show increases of 15 and 12 per-cent in death rates, but the other two studies show little or no increase. >The over-all mortality ratio of 1.05 does not differ statistically from unity. (Page 86, Page 93 on PDF)
https://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/access/NNBBMQ.pdf So 5% greater cancer risk for for pipe smokers that consume more than 10 bowls per day, and unmeasurably small incidence rates in light smokers.
That’s safer than sunbathing.
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>>1461649 I smoke a pipe maybe two times a month at the very most. highly doubt I will get cancer from that little use.
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>>1461649 Rather die early from lung cancer than being a faggot tbqhf
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>>1461649 >enjoy dying early from a painful and disgusting disease >implying this is remotely true with pipe smoking >also implying I'm not getting myself cryogenically frozen, and will get resurrected to enjoy pipes again long after you're dead shiggy
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>>1454362 That's what I originally had thought too so I wasn't concerned. I never ate sugary food so that may be why I had avoided cavities for so long.
On second thought, it may have been from dipping possibly. I know one cavity I gained may have been either been a sinewy piece of steak or a strand of tobacco from my dip. IIRC that was one of the nights I just passed out from exhaustion. I also gained a cavity from snus and I had neglected to take into account that they add sugar to them. My bottom front teeth are spotless though so I'm not too sure.
How am I supposed to smoke a pipe in a windy weather?
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>>1462785 wind cap or, you know, dont stand in harsh wind, your instinkts should already be telling you to get out of harsh wind. lighting can be a bitch though but if you get it going i rarely have a problem
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>>1462785 By avoiding it. IMO smoking in no-wind conditions is ideal, when the smoke can just hang there. Smoking pipes and cigars, among other things, made me good at estimating wind speed and figuring out patterns around local obstacles. I even set up wind flags all over my back yard to figure out how it interacts with the garden, deck, and fences, so I could find zones of minimal wind. And I made a movable windbreak so I could position it as needed. Windless smoking is serious business yo.
Have any of you guys ever made your own pipe? I'm thinking in making a corn cob one.>Lel just buy one poor-fag! Pipe smoking is not a thing anymore in my third world hole, and I don't want it to break during shipping. And besides, I would prefer crafting one myself.
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I know a lot of you /out/ folks are Europoors and I just want you to know I hate you on the simple grounds that while you pay stupid high taxes on it, you guys have the majority of the blends I smoke in stock all the time. Even my beloved HH Vintage Syrian. -Signed a Jelly Colonial
>>1463014 What country friend? And yes, but I would just get a chunk of briar if I were serious about it. However I am sure there are tons of guides to make a sweet smoking cob. Let us know how it goes.
I wish vuctorinox made a pipesmoker model, with like a tamper and maybe a build in lighter but still a knife and some of the other tools
>>1463139 Czech tools cost $3 and have a loop to go onto a key ring. Just saying.
I have a lot of cigarette butts and 3 cartons of cigarette tubes and a machine. you can actually just take 4 butts and make a brand new cigarette. neato.
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>>1447032 >feel free to post tobaccos (no weed allowed) kek, you sound like a faggot.
>>1449228 >>1461696 The only thing worse than people who smoke tobacco for "fun" are the ones who think their better than people who smoke pot. KEK.
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>>1463142 I am well aware. But having the same tools on a SAK would be neat
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>>1463193 Are these unfiltered cigarettes? I'm not a cigarette smoker, but I always assumed people smoked them down to the filter, so you wouldn't have much unburnt tobacco to work with.
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>>1463197 >gets told to start his own thread because it’s not on topic here >gets all offended that he can’t shit up a thread with off-topic posts You have to be 18 to post here too.
>>1463095 Dominican republic. And I have also thought about making it out of guava wood, given how soft and easy to work it is.
>>1463357 >Dominican republic Are cigars retarded cheap there?
>>1463357 I though of this as well as we have a ton of Guava trees where I am. Luckily they look non-toxic
https://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/wood-allergies-and-toxicity/ However, due to how soft it is they may not be very fire retardant/resilient.
What are some brands that have non-jewed tobaccos, preferably made in Asia or Africa?
>>1447032 I fucking hate tobacco elitists
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>>1463459 South America is fine too, preferably Brazil.
>>1463459 none of them are 'pure'
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1463459 what in the ever-loving fuck do you mean? could you imagine yourself going into a tobacco shop and asking that verbatim? what would you think the tobacconists answer would be? he would think you were some homeless lunatic, dial back the /pol/ and come back with the question
>>1463465 that was oddly defensive, mods?
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1463467 >that was oddly defensive in defense of propper pipe terminology? count me in
>>1463464 >>1463465 The radiational yields of tobaccos are vastly different depending on country of production, likely due to differing rates in use of calcium-polyphosphate fertilizers. I enjoy the dopaminergic and nootropic effects of tobacco smoke, but no longer wish to consume American-grown tobaccos.
>>1463481 heh, i also want to ban dihydrogen monoxide
>>1463462 Me too. Fortunately, this thread isn't about tobacco elitism.
>>1463481 >radiational yields of tobaccos are vastly different And unless your tobacco is grown in Chernobyl, the radiation emitted by any tobacco grown anywhere else is negligible.
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>>1463483 Pointless reddit tier "joke". Just tell me what widely available tobacco blends utilize South American, African or Asian (non-chinese) tobacco.
>>1463484 >And unless your tobacco is grown in Chernobyl, the radiation emitted by any tobacco grown anywhere else is negligible. No it is not.
>Although the atmosphere contains PO-210 arising from radium-226 that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust,25 the majority of the PO-210 in tobacco plants likely comes from high-phosphate fertilizers applied to the tobacco crop.26,27 Tobacco farmers in developed countries primarily use manufactured fertilizer high in phosphates produced from apatite rock that contains radium-226 and descendant radioisotopes such as lead-210 and PO-210.18,28 >Mean tissue concentrations of PO-210 in cigarette smokers have been observed to be more than double those of nonsmokers.21 It is estimated that smokers of 1.5 packs of cigarettes a day are exposed to as much radiation as they would receive from 300 chest X-rays a year.14 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2509609/ Po-210 is LITERALLY the only compound in tobacco smoke proven to be carcinogenic by the way.
>>1463488 It’s a good thing, then, that pipe smokers don’t smoke nearly that much on average, nor do they generally inhale.
>>1463515 I know that, but I'd still prefer to smoke a less toxic tobacco considering that I do in fact have a choice in the matter.
>>1463519 Grow your own, it's the only way to know for sure what you're smoking.
>>1463488 Seems to me like you could just grow it yourself. I couldn’t imagine the the legal loops you’d have to go through would be that strenuous.
You might not even have to. I asked a state policeman at my church what he would do if he saw tobacco in my yard and he said “we wouldn’t have done anything 20 years ago, let alone today. There’s way bigger problems to deal with.”
grow your own if you’re not happy, nobody will stop you
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>>1463374 Depends on the brand. But yeah, they are generally much cheaper to get here.
>>1463402 I see. Maybe it could still be used for the mouthpiece.
>>1463481 Gawith often lists the country of origin for their tobacco blends, including tobacco leafs from Malawi, Zimbabwe, India, and Brazil. Likely many non-American pipe tobacco blenders are also sourcing their leaf from the “developing world,” but I would check out Gawith if I were you.
>>1463540 >>1463530 It's not practically feasible for me at the moment considering I would have to grow it inside and I live in a small apartment, otherwise I would.
>>1463544 Thank you, I will look into them.
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>>1463554 I grow it in a spot next to the highway and check it every now and then
Once again posting my wimbledon plimbus. Very bespoke. Please, no inquiries.
>>1463972 i mean, i hope you like it, i sure wouldnt want it
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>>1463975 >it's hideous >it smokes great >i love it Anonymous
>>1463972 Ah, yes. It all makes sense, now.
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>>1464063 Shit has never been so clear to me in my entire life.
>>1447106 Thought about turning my own pipe, based on the LOTR pipe models.
Actual licensed pipes are sold by Vauen, but I don't know if they're still produced or just selling their stock dry, since the original movies are more than 15 years old.
I just want to my pipe to be in this thread. Girls are bitches. I hope tobacco give me cancer now and I die tonight. Just a bump.
>>1464582 Did your gf get blacked?
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anyone ever lit a campfire with the ember from your pipe? would seem like a nice bragging rights challenge
Going to try growing my own tobacco this year, pretty excited.
>>1464841 Finally have a house, planning on doing the same once I dig my garden. By the looks of it, the hardest part is the curing. Everyone claims tobacco is a fairly hardy plant in terms of growing.
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>>1464850 Curing seems relatively easy. Ill either just hang them in my cellar or set up a cheap plastic greenhouse. Fermentation seems to be the hardest part, ill need to make a ghetto kiln, it gets the ammonia out of the leaves.
>>1464584 It was only pipe I could afford years ago.
>>1464617 She tells people that I beat her. I never did.
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>>1465332 >I never did This was a mistake.
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>>1465332 Sux X2 Anon, hope you've improved in both departments
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So I've been kicking around the Idea of walking around the perimeter of Oahu for awhile now, away from the city sprawl and tourist traps it seems like it could be a pretty light(but long) march. Going to be packing a pipe for this 130+ mile walk with my go to hiking blend Newminster No.80 Norway. Anyone have any good experience with these kind of long walks? Longest ive done so far is 30miles in a day so I am a little iffy on the over night aspect but assume I could take a light cot or bivy and sleep anywhere like the multitude of homeless that inhabit the island.
>>1464841 i'm going to some time. maybe i just work with one plant till i got it down. indoors because waiting for the right time takes like your whole life. but get real good with one plant.
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>>1465748 if i wait for the season, it will be 10 years before i'm good and i will be dead our supper old.
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>>1464850 Curing is easy. Just hang it in bundles in the top of your shed for a few months until the leaves are completely brown, stems and all.
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>>1464439 The popularity of those pipes endures, even long after the licensing agreement has expired.
I think they or very close designs are now sold under their “Auenland” line.
well fresh out of the bag pipe tobacco is not good for cigarettes. pretty sure it's pipe tobacco. It really has to dry out for a week our two.
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>>1466095 If you want ryo tobacco most drug stores or gas stations will have either american spirit loose tobacco or those fuckhuge bags of "pipe tobacco" that are like 10 bucks like gambler
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>>1463488 >quotes study from 1964 Anonymous
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>>1461829 >consuming any form of tobacco is safer than sunbathing If you aren't trying to troll people, then you are an utterly heinous person.
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>>1461829 I took this post and shared it with a forum full of medical professionals. The reactions are hilarious, and your beliefs are pure comedy gold. Thank you!
smoking basically kills everyone that smokes. it's just a matter if you live long enough to die of smoking. mostly talking about cigarettes though. might slip past the reaper with just a pipe now and then.
>>1466549 We're all going to die from something anyways, man. Enjoy the simple pleasures in life. I think you're far more likely to develop diabetes or any other illness from fast food and soda and other processed foods. Just like anything though moderation is key. Theres a huge different in smoking a pipe even once a day and smoking 20-40 fucking cigarettes a day.
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>>1466555 yeah i like cigarettes. maybe a different pipe. anyway I don't cough anymore so thats an improvement. been forever since I waked up short of breath. I was really going at it for a while.
Now that we've got the obligatory 'how can you live doing things that will kill you' conversation out of the way for the twenty-eighth thread in a row, I just received my first Schmalzer. I've only mentioned snuff a few times in these threads since there's usually a pipe focus. As a quick introduction, snuff is ground tobacco that you place in the front of your nose by lightly sniffing (snuffing). Leave it there and blow your nose when you feel like it. It is smokeless, has no duty in the UK, and is apparently kept on tap in the House of Commons and Lords. I bought it as part of my usual purchase, mostly out of curiosity. Roderick over at Toque intends to introduce his own Shmalzers this year, so I wanted to try one made by the masters at Bernard. Unlike English snuff, Bavarian Shmalzers are made specifically from Brazilian tobacco, are dark, most, coarse, and scented with oils. And Klostermischung really is scented to hell and back. It smells like someone reduced a pot of rum and brown sugar, and it really lasts in the nose. The only downside for me is that it drips (think runny nose down the back of the throat) like a motherfucker, but that's not a problem for everyone. The artwork on Bernard's boxes are great too. Cheeky monk looks like he's just nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of his local Church.
>>1466568 Interesting
Is snuff as addictive as snus/dip? I find my N addiction manageable with pipes and cigars and I’d rather not get too addicted again
Recommendations for first time snuff? I like pure tobacco flavors in other smokeless tobacco I’ve tried, like Copenhagen in the silver tin and Gothenburg rapé snus, I could see enjoying snuff with maybe rose or bergamot flavoring, something subtle and traditional
>>1466568 I made snuff with dried out remnants of some random English blend I had. Ground it up in a coffee grinder, rehumidified to a modest level. It was alright, the nicotine was barely noticeable, and it smelled interesting, but the black boogers were annoying. As was the burning if any of it got to the back of the throat. Maybe proper snuff is better, but I don't think it's my thing.
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>>1464009 >>1464063 Its the Radiator pipe by Hector Weibe. Basically a modern day Falcon but made in Canada. Cool dude too.
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>>1463972 looks like some stupid stoner shit my old roommate would of smoked weed out of thinking he looked cool
mfw people in this thread unironically believe that smoking pipes and cigars is a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes
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>>1467245 I only smoke amphetamines and I'm fit as a fiddle
>>1467245 >coming into a thread about something you don’t like >being surprised that you don’t like the discussion in said thread. How could this possibly have been prevented?
>>1467245 >safe Safer.
The safest alternative to going outside and getting skin cancer from sun exposure is to stay indoors forever, or cover yourself in sunscreen every time you go /out/. Why would you go outdoors if you know it causes cancer?
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>>1467040 Probably not more. I've never used snus, but the amount of tobacco involved and the limited time in contact with it makes it difficult to match other mediums. If you want something that's just straight tobacco, Fribourg and Treyer (now made by Wilsons of Sharrow) have a snuff called 'High Dry Toast'. It's very fine, very dry, and has a moderate nicotine content.They also make a large number of traditional perfumed snuffs using rose, geranium, sandalwood and tonquin. If you want something more modern, try some of Toque's toast blends (Whisky and Honey). I'd personally avoid the more experimental blends, like Cola and Toffee.
>>1467081 The constant nose blowing is annoying, certainly. Proper snuff is made with salt/potash/sodium carbonate. This increases nicotine absorption and decreases burn. There's a clear difference between snuff I've made from pipe tobacco and professional snuff, and for the low cost I'd suggest trying to find something made by Wilsons, Toque, or Poschl.
>>1467245 >a completely natural organic product with no chemical additives >reprocessed sheets mixed with sawdust and hundreds of chemicals Really jogs the ol' noodle
>>1467304 Everyone else seems two-dimensional to an idiot. I love to smoke my pipe and I always will. When people like
>>1467329 pretend that being outside is more dangerous than using any form of tobacco, things start to get weird. You can cite as many ancient sources as you like, but researchers have conclusively found that tobacco is unusually carcinogenic compared to other types of plants. Like, way more carcinogenic. There's no 'safe' tobacco, and saying that smoking a pipe is 'safer' than other forms is true, but only by a margin. Tobacco is a bad habit whether or not you enjoy it. You can't change that fact.
Also, check out my cool nimrod lighter. Anyone else here got one? I find that it goes out on the draw a little too often for me to prefer.
>>1467560 >researchers have conclusively found that tobacco is unusually carcinogenic compared to other types of plants. But that's wrong you fucking retard.
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>>1467482 Oh yeah, pipe tobacco is way better than cigarette tobacco. Nobody is trying to make that point here. People in this thread are literally pretending that pipe smoking is safe. When confronted, they're saying "Well, not safe, but safer." The problem with that is that while it is 'safer' it's not safe, not by a long shot. Not by a very long shot. Tobacco is a toxic carcinogenic plant and it vastly increases your chance of getting cancer when you use it. Five minutes of independent research will help put that into perspective for you. A likely biased study from 1964 will not yield the same results.
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“The search for a safer cigarette is akin to alchemists seeking to turn lead into gold.”
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1467560 >pretend that being outside is more dangerous than using any form of tobacco, You are either illiterate or intentionally obtuse. The purpose of the comparison is not to rank the relative levels of cancer risk (even though they are comparable in the case of casual pipe use), but to illustrate that we accept risk all the time without a second thought when we do other activities that increase the chances of cancer. What matters is absolute risk, not percentage of increase. Smoking a pipe infrequently causes a (barely) demonstrable increase in the risk of certain cancers. But the absolute risk is still extremely low.
Crossing the street likely increases the chances of getting run over by a very high percentage, but the chance of you getting run over if you look both ways is very very slim.
It’s not like the effects of tobacco are a mystery. It’s one of the most studied plants in history, and it’s carcinogenic potential is well known. If you look past the propaganda from three letter agencies and cigarette manufacturers - if you actually read the data - the results are conclusive and consistent: the likelihood of devoloping cancer from tobacco use is directly related to what you’re using, how you’re using it, and how long you’ve been doing it. People act like everyone thought smoking was fine until the 60’s, when “scientiests discovered that tobacco caused lung cancer.” Doesn’t that strike you as odd? The oldest tobacco pipes we have date back upwards of 7,000 years ago. Surely Native Americans should have been well aware of tobacco causing lung cancer. Lung cancer has been specifically diagnosed by western doctors since the 1700s, when it was thought to be a rare disease, despite widespread smoking across Europe and America. Native Americans were well aware of the potential dangers of smoking, which is why ceremonial rituals were in place to teach and regulate its usage: tobacco smoke carries your prayers to the spirit world, and provides a link to your ancestors. Share the smoke with your ancestors, don’t be selfish and breathe it in.
>>1467580 Ayy, just planted my seeds today too. Got some Virginia brightleaf and gold burley planted. Whats yours?
>>1467757 >contd. Lung cancer starting become more prevalent in medical records in the late 1800s, early 1900s. This isn’t because doctors suddenly figured out that the tobacco people had been consuming for thousands of years was a death sentence, it’s because a new product emerged which fundamentally changed how people smoked: cigarettes.
Cigarettes were invented in the 1880s not long after the US Civil War ended. When slavery was abolished, all the former slaves who were expects in growing fine pipe tobacco, handrolling cigars, etc, fled the tobacco plantations and plantation owners were basically fucked. They lost their entire workforce, and were left in their own growing inferior and inconsistent product. The industrial cigarette was the direct solution to this problem because it meant that you could take inferior crops sourced from all over, chop them up and reconstitute them into sheets, and then chop up those sheets into something that looked like loose tobacco. This product tasted and burned horribly, which meant that had to be corrected by adding flavorings and sugars and other chemicals to correct the burn and increase absorption. Because there was no one left to roll cigars for free, reconstituted Sheet tobacco was rolled by machine into paper tubes.
You don’t have to inhale pipe smoke and you don’t have to inhale cigars for nicotine to be absorbed across mucous membranes. You do have to inhale cigarettes. This is why early advertisements for cigarettes included specific instructions that users must inhale the smoke to gain the Benifits of nicotine. Pic related.
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>>1467757 >Native Americans were well aware of the potential dangers of smoking, which is why ceremonial rituals were in place to teach and regulate its usage This is complete bullshit.
>Native Americans should have been well aware of tobacco causing lung cancer Unless they were in the habit of dissecting their dead and inspecting major organs (they weren't), they had no clue about the negative effects of tobacco. Cancer rates from daily cigarette smoking typically start surpassing the baseline population at mid to late 40s. And life expectancy among pre-contact Indians was not particularly high, not to mention that they weren't sucking down several peace pipes every day.
Contrary to what the government campaigns would have you believe, tobacco use does not automatically and instantly give you cancer. It almost always comes from a lifetime of use, and the likelihood is determined by the frequency, method, type of tobacco, and most importantly, the genes of the individual. You know those stores of grandpa smoking like a chimney his whole life and dying at 96? It's not an accident; cancer susceptibility is strongly determined by genetics.
>>1467765 >>1467757 >last The idea that all tobacco products are equivalent is essentially the same as abstinence only sex education. It’s misleading and harmful. Cigarette smoking has a relative risk for cancer development around 25. The no smoker’s relative risk is 1. The pipe smoker is around 4, for those who smoke 3 bowls per day and do not inhale. Cigars are equivalent to pipes. The CDC recorded 300 instances of oral cancer among users of American dip products last year. Three hundred - cigarettes kill nearly half a million people annually. Sweden’s tobacco use is on par with every other Western European country, yet has the lowest cancer rate in the world, because Swedes prefer air cured, pastuerized snus. There is only one recorded instance of someone developing cancer from nasal snuff: a Welsh farmer who was putting it in his ear.
The dangers of tobacco are related to what you’re using, how you’re using it, and how long you’ve been using it. If cigarette smokers switched to pipes, cigars, or smokeless tobacco products, tobacco related cancers would plummet, and countless lives would be saved.
(Note that I haven’t even touched on chemical additives in cigarettes, or genetically modified cigarette tobacco, or the fertilizers and pesticides used in industrial monocultured tobacco.)
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1467764 Virginia gold as far as i know. gotten of a relative of mine, how are you gonna dry your leaves? im debating between the clothes drying room in my basement or my attic, attic is gonna be a lot cooler, but temp will vary more, while basement will have more stable temp but vary more in humidity
i dont know what would be better and i read a lot of conflicting things online
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>>1467775 I was debating on making a kiln box or setting up one of those plastic greenhouses in the yard to hang them in, which will provide plenty of airflow as well. As far as fermentation goes I plan on using pressure by making small wood boxes out of oak and putting it in a vice to press my own plugs, then slice into flakes for smoking.
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>>1467773 I used to feel nothing but scron for smokers, until I tried pipe tobacco and cigars. Now I think smoking a fine cigar or a pipe once per month or so is one of the finest things in life.
Pipes compare to cigarrettes the way a good bottle of wine compares to cheap vodka meant for alcoholics only.
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>>1468188 you are brainwashed
I like to have a cigar or two when out camping. Interested in pipes though. Any reccs? I didn't know people were still into these. Last person I saw smoking a pipe was my grandfather who would sit on his rocker all day with a pipe in his mouth.
>>1468272 I wouldn't reccomend starting with an english blend like so many people here shill. They're more of an acquired taste. Grab a cheapo corn cob pipe from the drugstore and a pouch of something like sir walter raleigh or half n half, theyre very inoffensive to any palate and it'll be all of 10 or so dollars.
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>>1468277 Appreciate it m8.
my pots and tobacco seeds arrived(virgina something) guess try grow one plant.
Cigar-related, but how have I not seen these things before? Been smoking for years, but this is the first time I've come across dedicated draw pokers (always used the poker piece on my pipe tool, usually with poor results), seems like a great idea.
>>1468293 One plant isn't going to yield much
>>1468327 I've seen those before but I've never used the poker ever on my pipetool nor could I see the point on a cigar
>>1468340 >nor could I see the point on a cigar If the filler is tight or twisted around the cap (typically the most common spot), you can use the poker tool to stab it a bunch, and pry the tobacco to the sides to open up an air channel. A proper draw poker that cuts and/or removes tobacco is much more effective, because once the tobacco warms up it expands and closes up any channel that you pried open.
I've only ever used the poker on pipes when the pack was too tight and I had to break the plug, dump the tobacco, and repack.
>>1468403 Huh, ive never had a cigar that needed that. I guess it happens though
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>>1468445 It happens even in high-end sticks. Really annoying because the cigar is otherwise fine, but fighting with a tight draw makes the smoke a chore.
good tobacco paired with red wine?
>>1469013 >wine How about a dildo instead of some tobacco? Whiskey or bust
>>1469224 Mate, none of the flavors of a wine fit together with tobacco. The smokiness and woodiness of a cigar or pipe tobacco compliments the woody flavor of whiskys especially the smokiness of scotch.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1469261 What is Caminetto red?
>>1469019 >>1469261 >not cultured enough to have Cigars and Port eh? Anonymous
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>>1469330 >not man enough to have whiskey eh? In all seriousness though, I do love a good wine with dinner, however I just find that they it doesn't make a good pairing with any tobacco. Atleast not as good as whiskey or SOME beers. Just personal preference.
>>1469311 Looked it up, it seems to be out of production. Thats a shame because it definitely sounds interesting.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
>>1469651 The kind of wind that just seems to be everywhere at once, and the rain isn't helping.
>>1469654 You should get a clip-on wind cap.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1469668 i have one, but i never have it with me when i need it
>>1447036 English's are quite possibly my favorite, fuck you
>>1447195 I've been working my way through a tin of dunhill ye old signe (rip in piece) that's pretty good. I liked navy flake too, but overall I'm pretty new to the Virginia side of things
>>1448160 Depends. If you're not doing it for fedora reasons, it's not fedora. Just have a bit of confidence.
>>1448812 Haven't heard anything but it'd be nice. It's not a guarantee the fda would even let the blends go back into production but idk.
>>1453947 >>1454499 I like ye old signe, and that's from someone who tends to not like most virginias. It's darker, with more earthy and fruity notes than most virginias, but with a decent overtone of oats.
>>1456277 You can smoke anything man, but generally, unless stored very well, the flavor is usually gone after a couple decades. Worth a shot though.
>>1457259 Fine idea. I use an old 30-06 casing as a tamp, and use a key to scrape out the bowl. The open end of the brass casing gets used as a cigar punch.
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>>1468340 Each plant yields about 100g of tobacco, so about two tins’ worth. Not so much, but not nothing, and it certainly adds up.
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>>1470419 >open end of the brass casing gets used as a cigar punch. Did the same with my .308 when I lost my proper punch. It worked well, so I just kept using it since. If I lose that, there's plenty more.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
Scored 3 tins of my own blend "athena" 2 pipes, a white star and a no name briar and a pipetool off a friend who knew a guy who quit smoking Never had "athena". Hope i will like it
Anyone ever lit a campfire the ember from a pipe?
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>>1471361 Yes, I died then.
>>1470777 >Made in Czech Republic I live 20 kilometers from the factory where these pipe tools are made. It's company called Massag (my friend work there as a welder), located in Bilovec town. Pretty town, really... ponds with fishes, brewery, bakery and nice girls
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>>1471613 That's neat to know. Would be an interesting place to see
>>1471613 Do they make other stuff? I can't imagine you can support a factory on pipe tools alone.
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>>1472434 They do a lot of metal working generally. They make cages, steel racks, small metal parts for textile industry, key rings, snap hooks,... and galvanic plating finishing.
How the hell are you supposed to smoke this Got pic related plus old dark fires and their both soaking with some kind of sugary chemical it’s terrible
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>>1473321 Pro tip; dont buy Mac Baren and expect anything other than Syrup Tobacco, its a Danish specialty. However with that said, their HH line is solid, even their old dark fired which has none of the characteristics you speak of .
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>>1473321 >how the hell are you supposed to smoke this? Slowly. And don’t pack it as tight.
The more sugars in a tobacco blend-natural or not-the less that tobacco needs to be packed for best flavor and performance.
What THE FUCK is going on with Peterson tobacco? are all tobacco blends i like dying whyyyy
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Spring is almost here lads
>>1447032 I'm gonna be picking up my first tin of 'good' pipe tobacco. I've previously only smoked American Spirit or Bugler (bleh). My budget is about $10, and hopefully the tin comes with enough for 20+ bowls.
I don't want a tin that has half the cover covered with a warning like "TOBACCO KILLS", I want a sexy simple tin like
>>1447080 or
>>1447387 .
I do want something that pairs well with espresso, red, merlot-like wines (or cab sav, malbec, etc), stouts, porters, brown ales and fruity ipas.
>>1475618 >I don't want a tin that has half the cover covered with a warning like "TOBACCO KILLS" gonna have to print ya own label then bud
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>>1475183 What is peterson stopping as well? God, I hate hipsters smoking pipes for their image, but I hope a lot more will begin smoking pipes, just so the brands can stay into buisness, although I am afraid that in 30 years the amount of pipe smokers will be too small to sustain any manufacturer
>>1475628 i see others here (like the ones I linked) without the labels though, so..? at any rate, that was made more in jest, but I do think it's a tragedy of aesthetics.
>>1476154 i think thats for some places in America or something
>>1447036 oh look..another casual that can't handle some Latakia..lol...pussy
>>1447106 yeah...CWs are for mainly just sitting when you smoke....they aren't meant to walk around with doing stuff...plus they take way too much of a draw to keep them going..
>>1447153 >>1447151 you euro folks are lucky...you can't really find any pipe tobacco at most retail stores here in the US..usually at some small, shitty grocery store that only sells shit tier stuff like middletons, or carter hall or PA next to the scotch snuff...
>>1476579 >can't handle That implies that its strong, it's not. It just tastes like shit
y'all making me smoke...lol
>>1476583 probably has a hooka....lol...
>>1475618 first off...just about any actual pipe tobacco..(since american spirit and bugler are cigarette tobaccos for those excons that roll their own after 15 years in prison..)..will taste better. can't think of any tobaccos that pair well with wine.you also won't find tinned tobacco for less than a $12 price point in the US. get most of my everyday stuff from
https://www.smokingpipes.com/ in the bulk section you can get just an oz. or 2 of hundreds of types and makers.. gives you a chance to find what YOU like and not what everyone else is gonna say..
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>>1476595 >>1475618 and if you haven't gotten a pipe yet..just get a cob to start with...they are only about $6 and that way your aren't spending $30-$100 on a pipe.
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>>1469013 DI Thursday don't not approve....
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>>1476189 many countries in the EU and the US requires them..
I have tobacco pretty much handled, now just need to come up with something for alcohol.
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>>1476694 it seems i should just start my own alcohol production line. have 10-20 gallons going at a time.
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>>1476580 >they take way too much of a draw to keep them going No they don't, have you ever used one?
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>>1456085 Any update on this? I have been loving my morta