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Kayaking in the UK

No.1456894 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it illegal to kayak on a river which goes through private property even though you have a licence to go on the river? It diverges into two paths, one path which is behind a weir and each is called the same name (part of the same river) then the path which is behind the weir eventually joins the other path in 5 miles
I just had two fisherman who saw me and told me it was all private and I was trespassing. I asked how far you're allowed to go and they said the entire 5 mile river channel until it rejoined with the other path was private. I took their word for it and went back the way I came but apparently landowners only own the riverbed and the banks not the river itself. I just didn't see any signs along the way (had been all the way through once before) or any around the weir which said it was private property
I'm not sure what to think