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Baking bread while /out/?

No.1472111 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I had this idea with my wife while we were hiking a while back and now that we have some backpacking trips coming up we want to try it.
>Flour is a fairly light dehydrated food
>So are salt and packets of instant yeast
>Combine small amount of flour, water, salt, and a pinch of yeast in the morning
>let proof inside of pot all day
>punch down periodically so it doesn't climb out the sides
>When making dinner at night, stretch dough around a stick to cook over flame
>can also be stretched into flatbread and cooked in the bottom of the pot
>can also be cut into small pieces and thrown into soup for dumplings
>combine with ghee/clarified butter or olive oil
>either way you get to have hot fresh bread after backpacking all day
>alternatively, do this process at night, let it proof in the bear bag all night, then make fresh bread in morning

1lb of flour is 3.75 cups, enough to make fresh bread every single day for one person for a 4 or 5 day trip

What do you guys think about this idea?