>>1473540This is a gaslighter. For educational purposes, I will now explain the danger. All humans feel intrusive thoughts. They sneak in like wisps and are usually discarded by the higher functions of our mind. Humans can be corrupted by these gaslighters by convincing one suffering from a persistent intrusive thought that they are alone in their perverse ideations. This will foment in the mind of the intruded that they are cursed to think this way, which will result in a spiral of ill-thinking more likely to end in the engagement in aforementioned evil notion. These gaslighters are the most dangerous creatures in existence, but unfortunately are usually unaware of the damage they do.
Remember, if you feel it in your gut that something is normal and someone tries to convince you it is not, they are the freaks! Incapable of rationalizing and dispelling their own demons, they project greater evil upon the good, normal folk of the world! We were not born to hoist the burdens of the uninitiated! Kill the normies! REEEEEE!