Feel free to post tobaccos (no weed allowed), pipes, collections, pics of favorite combos for going /out/, pics of what you're doing with your pipe and any questions you might have.
Want to get into smoking pipes without spending too much cash?
Get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend corncob pipe and a pouch of either Prince Albert, Carter Hall or Half and Half tobacco, available at most drugstores.
What you'll need: pipe, tobacco, lighter or matches, pipe cleaners, and either a regular old nail or a pipe tool (combination tamper, scoop, and small pick).
All of these together should run you less than $20.
Having trouble keeping your pipe lit? Fill it with less tobacco and smoke it slower than you think you need to, lightly tamping as needed when the smoke starts thinning out.
If you're still having trouble, try filling your pipe this way:
https://youtu.be/0XHYPso7TXs Old thread
>>1447032 Come on in and get comfy.
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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Spring is coming
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>>1477599 Keeping up with the fishing thread..
I find women with a pipe extremely unattractive, it just doesn't fit them
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>>1477599 I'd let her smoke my pipe.
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Best strong, cavendish-y tobacco I can find in Europe (Italianfag)? I'm searching something that is full body.
>>1477599 the year is 2019. tobacco is addictive and causes cancer. keep that mouth fedora game strong meme camper.
>>1477599 Do you guys find that the long stem of a Churchwarden actually cools down smoke enough to reduce tongue bite? Or is it just a meme? I've been thinking about getting one but I don't know if people use them because they're nice to smoke or if it's because they look like Gandalf pipes
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1478549 It is slightly cooler, especially compared to some really short pipe styles. The main appeal for me is the comfort when sitting.
>>1478524 I can see why you don’t smoke.
You don’t need the help to be cancerous.
I think smoke a lot less. And even this amount bothers me. seems to be about avg. oz every 2-3 days.
>>1479087 Holy shit, how many bowls per day? Are you eating it or something?
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>>1479135 homemade cigarettes. sorry, kinda a tobacco general.
28 cigarettes in an ounce. so about 9 a day. half a pack.
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>>1479236 Half a pack aint nothing compared to the people who slurp down 1 or 2 packs per day. Especially if you're smoking roll ups with quality tobacco. Don't forget if youre using pipe tobacco or ryo tobacco it likely won't have all of the chemicals that commercial cigs do.
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>>1477599 I don't see how this is remotely /out/ related. Is it because you're too embarrassed to smoke a pipe in public? Or because you saw Gandalf smoke one in LotR?
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>>1477599 $50 says that bitch is smonking the big weeds
>>1477599 I just bought some dunhill (nightcape, ready rubbed, royal yacht, elizabethan mixture and ye olde signe) to keep them cellared in their tins and then some them in a couple of months/years but I'd like to taste them now already... Can I open them now, smoke a pipefull and them close them again without the tobacco becoming dry in a few months. The tins are still vacuumsealed right now. Advise?
>>1479624 Transfer the tobacco to a Mason jar after you open it. It will eventually dry out if you leave it in the tin after opening.
>>1479657 Is a mason jar just any type of glass jar with a metal lid? Like the ones my jam is in?
>>1479661 The empty glass ones you can buy at Walmart to can food? Those are mason jars.
And them being clean matters more than you think if you’re aging tobacco for years at a time. You don’t want any mold getting in there and wrecking your tobacco if you can help it.
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>>1479704 >not smoking black mold spores for a rich and robust flavor pussy
Not much of a smoker. Hate cigarettes, but enjoy a cigar on occasion. But recently picked up this pipe and some Apple flavored and toffee flavored tobacco. Tried the apple while at work last night and after a bit of relighting finally got to smoke it for about 10 minutes. Had some trouble getting the last bit at the bottom to stay lit, but I probably just packed it wrong. I really like it, i've been smelling the bowl all morning today and looking forward to taking it on my next hike and when I go fishing. The only downside is my fiancee doesnt like the scent of tobacco otherwise I would smoke it more. Would appreciate and friendly tips or recommendations on some pleasant smelling tobacco that hopefully my girl wont mind.
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So do you guys just smoke a tobacco when you're /out/ or what? Or do you smoke cigs too?
>>1480304 >The only downside is my fiancee doesnt like the scent of tobacco what u need to do is call her a faggot and smoke straight latakia all the time
>>1478806 cancerous is making the exact same thread every week and trying to get other people into your shitty unhealthy habit
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No weed? Fuck you too then
New to pipe smoking, so I've got a couple of questions: I get tongue bite quite regularly, do I just smoke slower to make that stop? Are there other things I might be doing wrong? Also, sometimes halfway through a bowl it becomes increasingly more difficult to drag the pipe, like something is blocking the pipe. Is this moisture? How do I reduce this? When I smoke my pipe, flavor changes a lot, I taste something slightly different every minute or so. Is this inconsistency a good or a bad thing? Last but not least, I was thinking about picking up some new tobacco. Got any recommendations for a woody, slightly sweet non-aromatic?
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>>1480488 >do I just smoke slower to make that stop? Yes. Also experiment with the humidity level of your tobacco.
>it becomes increasingly more difficult to drag the pipe, like something is blocking the pipe. Might be the tobacco swelling as it heats. Pack less, or try the Frank/plug method of packing, where you just drop loose tobacco into the bottom half of the bowl, and wedge a nice denser plug of tobacco in the upper half. This creates a sort of air chamber beneath the main mass of tobacco and reduces the problems you may run into further down in the bowl.
>flavor changes a lot Nothing wrong with that.
>>1480387 "*Cancerous*" is not using the hide button and going on with your dang life, quit yet bitchin'.
I like a nice cherry blend, tasty and aromatic.
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>>1480488 I really enjoyed a sample of Orlik Golden Sliced that I got recently. Try going to a B&M if there's one near you, mine has jars where you can open up and smell their selection. I also really enjoy the fact that you can buy small samples instead of getting a whole tin.
>>1480304 Kentucky bird, very sweet scent and a pretty comfy tobacco to smoke when /out/ on a springy day. That been said, aromatics will never tip virginias (with/without perique) and latakias so to get the best pipe smoking experience, do
>>1480385 Anonymous
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>>1480488 >do I just smoke slower to make that stop? You should always smoke very slowly, ideally you should draw the second before your pipe goes out, but this takes experience, so just try to slow it down just a bit. The slower you smoke, the more taste
>Is this moisture? It might be moist tobacco at the bottom of the bowl. If you are a wet smoker, go with a cotton cleaner through the stem every now and then. Or, if you feel/hear a gurling sound in the stem, take it off and blow the moist out
>flavor changes a lot Depends on the tobacco, some are consistent throughout the bowl, others chance a lot. By example, irish oak gets very, very spicy at the bottom, yet is dry and woody in the beginning
>Got any recommendations I'd recommend you Peterson's Old Dublin
What's everyone else smoking/drinking tonight?
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>>1480836 Orlik golden slice and glenfiddich 12, very good pairing imo, both are very light and friendly
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>>1480805 I'll probably try Kentucky bird
>>1480836 Are you from Leuven?
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>>1480547 cancerous is trying to get the last word even though the first guy left a long time ago
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>>1480836 Dunhill Ready Rubbed
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>>1480836 C&D Pegasus and jar of water
>>1477599 I just quit smoking, the reason I smoked was to coat the bad emotions and feelings. Why do you smoke your pipe? What prompts you to smoke a pipe?
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>>1481501 I smoke both pipes and cigars. For me they both do a few things. They can relax me after a busy or tiring day. They can stimulate my mind whether I'm writing, playing music or working on art, or I'm just simply pondering things in my life or about life itself. They can work as a social lubricant much like alcohol, it gets people together. And sometimes I really just want to smoke something tasty. Tobacco goes great after a steak dinner, and works as a digestive aid. I'm sure theres different reasons for everyone though but these are mine.
>>1480385 Tfw my wife hates the smell of Aeros andVirginia's, but loves anything with latakia in it
>>1482304 Mfw my wife says she doesn't like the residual smell of any pipe tobacco or cigars, but who gives a fuck what she thinks? Then again, she doesn't mind the smell of fresh smoke of Virginias and aromatics, it's just the smell of my clothes and face after smoking that she hates.
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I only come into these threads to look at the comfy pictures of you guys /out/ with your pipes. WHERE ARE ALL OF THE FUCKING COMFY PIPE PICS?
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>>1482304 >>1482511 My gf loves kissing me after I've smoked. She quit smoking cigarettes and I think her brain releases dopamine when she tastes tobacco (which she only gets from kissing me). Either that, or it's a weird Freudian thing because her dad smokes.
>tfw gf is injun >tfw she became Jehovah witness and gave up tobacco >tfw I miss the tobacco she used to bring me I'm not even a tobacco connoisseur but the stuff she got me was great.
>>1477599 Never smoked a pipe. I’ve been smoking high end cigars for about 6 years now. How would a cigar smoker go about getting into pipes? My local cigar lounges also sell pipes and premium pipe tobacco.
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>>1482826 >How would a cigar smoker go about getting into pipes? If only there was a paragraph in the OP that answers this.
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thought I was running low. really check bag. man I still got probably 3 oz left. I was starting to be bummed.
I was once told a bit of advice by one of those really influential people you come across once in a while after he saw me put a lipper in. He said something like “I used to dip when I was younger. I’ve since quit. There are many reasons people use tobacco, but the sooner you realize it’s just a crutch, the sooner you’ll realize it doesn’t do anything for you, and you’ll be glad you quit.” I am glad I quit, and I know you will be too. Don’t let the tobacco jew take your life away. There’s a reason it’s marketed heavily in impoverished areas and to minorities. Also, our tobacco lobbyists have fucked us by minimizing the warnings on their products. Anyone who has been overseas has seen how damnable it is. They don’t have “this product may cause ____” or “tobacco is addictive” they have “TOBACCO KILLS” usually with a picture of some mouth or lung cancer that’ll turn your stomach. Tea tastes just as good, real high % chocolates taste just as good, if you need a social lube, just work on being charismatic without the need of a captive audience. Just a PSA from your friendly /out/ public health worker.
>>1483002 >dipping White trash and degenerate
>drinking tea Absolute onions
Yeah I'll let a real winner like you give me life advice. We're all gonna die someday. I'll take some a pipe and whisky anyday over that nasty bullshit.
>>1483036 Suit yourself. I still enjoy a cigar and whiskey on special occasions and am gonna buy a gandalf memepipe when I retire, but I wanted to offer another perspective other than the generic >muh cancer in case someone wanted it.
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>>1483002 >but the sooner you realize it’s just a crutch, the sooner you’ll realize it doesn’t do anything for you, and you’ll be glad you quit.” Your shitty anecdote was rendered completely irrelevant with this line. Pipe smokers are not addicts. They don't smoke for social lubrication. They do it because it's an enjoyable and relaxing activity, and one that carries little to no measurable health risk.
If you already smoke cigars, why on earth would you think this argument would be compelling to anybody here?
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>>1483098 >i still enjoy a cigar and whiskey on special occasions Woah there, I thought tobacco was just a cancerous crutch. Maybe you should sub that cigar out for some celery sticks and that dangerous whiskey for a nice chai bubble tea.
>i wanted to offer another perspective Just as bad as vegans and atheists. No one gives a fuck about your perspective and no one explicity asked for it. You're in a thread dedicated to pipe smoking. You aren't changing anyones mind here.
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It will kill you, but so will working the wrong place be accident, driving mistakes, our just really no reason just drop dead. other types of cancer that you just get for no reason.
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>>1482826 like OP said, get a corn cob pipe. But if you're coming to pipes from cigars you might like a latakia blend more than prince albert or whatever.
Just had my first bowl lads Very good flavor, though I need to get better at realizing when the tobacco is spent because I just spent a bit too long puffing cinders. Also the nicotine put me just at the right amount of relaxed.
>>1484070 >the nicotine put me just at the right amount of relaxed tfw just smoked 2 cigars back to back and the room is spinning and i want to die
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>>1484082 Too much nicotine really knocks you on your ass, for sure
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>>1484082 If you're nauseous, don't bother fighting it. Throw up and you'll immediately feel much better.
>>1484082 Have some chocolate. Usually fixes any nicotine-related mistakes I make.
>>1484202 Really? Is there any science behind that?
Who else /cobgang/ here It's starting to taste like stale smoke, I've only smoked it a few times but I haven't cleaned it. Would pipe cleaners and some vodka be a good way to clean it?
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>>1484658 It's a very common remedy, but I've never been able to find any information about it. Maybe some med or bio fags might know.
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>>1484658 Something to do with sugar, a coke will do the same
>>1482826 I used to suggest buying a cob pipe, but I’ve started recommending seconds instead. Seconds being pipes that were carved for expensive brands, but didn’t have a great grain or had some holes/dents. Whatever their issue, they smoke perfectly well. They’re filled, finished, and sold under cheaper brands like Dr Plumb. The investment is larger - but you’ll end up with a real briar pipe for less than half of what you’d pay for a mid-range like Savinelli or Peterson.
Even if you don’t like pipe smoking, put it away and try again in a year. Or ten. Chances are your tastes will change.
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>>1485175 This. Even a cheap Mr Brog out of pear or whatever is still ok. Not as good as a briar for insulation, but they work fine.
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>>1484712 You could have avoided this if you'd only ran a pipe cleaner through it after every smoke or two.
>>1484712 Yes but honestly since corncobs are so cheap you would save time just buying a new one.
>>1482826 Buy a corncob pipe, pipe cleaners and tobacco at a tobacco store or drugstore, watch a tutorial video on packing and lighting the pipe, take it slow like smoke a cigar.
>>1485175 Personally I wouldn't recommend anything that costs more then $10 to a total newfag since so much can go wrong when they first start.
>>1486200 >so much can go wrong when they first start. It's a block of wood with two holes. What can go wrong, aside from them physically breaking it for some reason?
>>1486270 >not rotating pipes >not cleaning the pipe >leaving the filter in the pipe/or leaving it in to long >using a cigar torch >scorching the tobacco >handling a pipe with oils on their hands that effects flavor >not waiting for the pipe to cool before removing the stem >not developing an even cake >getting the bowl to hot >ect ect Yes it is a block of wood with two holes but a pipe will develop its own character over time because the pipe will retain oils from the tobacco which will effect future smokes.
This is also the reason pipe smokers will buy corncobs to try out new tobacco because corncobs don't have a break in period like wood and are cheap so if the tobacco is shit there is no lose compared to a $30-$100+ pipe.
>>1486343 You sound like one of those guys that collect mechanical keyboards and have over 2000 posts on some forum about switches.
>>1486357 Where is this salt coming from? I was asked a question and respectfully responded to it.
>>1486360 I'm not that guy, I'm just tired of how "enthusiasts" (i.e. people that have consumerism as a hobby) attempts to construe their habit as a more refined, complex activity than it really is.
>>1486361 Do you smoke pipes?
>>1486343 >>not rotating pipes Don't have to rotate pipes if you're smoking the same kind of blends. It's ideal, but not exactly a critical mistake for a beginner.
>>using a cigar torch Not a problem so long as you're not incinerating the rim instead of the tobacco.
>>scorching the tobacco Lol.
>>handling a pipe with oils on their hands that effects flavor Bigger lol.
Pipe smoking is not a refined activity, it's sucking tobacco smoke through a pipe. I'm with this guy
>>1486361 , no need to make it more than it is. Cigar people are especially bad for this.
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>>1486369 I do, but my only interest that overlaps with the enthusiast is access to quality tobacco.
>>1486374 >Pipe smoking is not a refined activity, it's sucking tobacco smoke through a pipe. Anon by that logic nothing is a refined activity.
I am not preaching the word of pipe smoking and coming down on you poor peasants who know no better. All that matters is do you enjoy it? If yes then you can stick a straw in a can and light the smoke with a welders torch if you enjoy it then who cares.
Scorching tobacco makes it taste like cigarette smoke. Aftershave and beard oil can be absorbed into the wood and will make the tobacco taste like aftershave. If you like that then cool.
>>1486392 >Scorching tobacco Differentiate scorching with regular lighting.
>can be absorbed into the wood and will make the tobacco taste like aftershave I find this very difficult to believe, since pipes have a finish applied to them. Even with natural briar, it would take a fair amount of beard oil to penetrate through to the bowl (recall that briar is dense, so you're not getting a lot of capillary action). Now, I'm not sure whether people who use beard oil also have it dripping off their fingers under normal conditions, but it doesn't strike me as a likely scenario. Or more specifically to the topic at hand, not so much of a concern as to not recommend a briar to a beginner.
>>1486392 >beard oil jesus christ<div class="like-perk-cnt">🥂</div>
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>>1486446 I legitimately can't tell if this image is from the 60s or not.
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>>1486270 He does kind of have a point but he is being overly cautious as well. See below.
>>1486343 >>not cleaning the pipe Did this to my first corncob since it arrived before the pipe cleaners. Ended up a soggy mess in the bottom of the bowl. The shank didn't extend into the bottom of the bowl either (it was MM cob smallest size) and I clumsily poked a hole through the bottom with pipe tool because it was thin and wet. Had to throw it out.
>>not waiting for the pipe to cool before removing the stem The ring on my second cob fell off because of this. I was able to put it back, but he has a point.
>>not developing an even cake >>getting the bowl to hot These are issues I am experiencing currently with the briar pipe I got for Christmas.
t. Was a beginner approximately 1 year ago.
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>>1477825 This, at least corncob pipes. They can smoke all the cigarettes and opium they want.<div class="like-perk-cnt">👌</div>
>>1482776 >injun >became Jehovah witness RUN you fucking brainlet
>>1486422 >>1486446 To be fair most of the older people explaining the does and don't's of pipe smoking were taught by people from a time where that stuff was more common and not one of the warning signs of a hipster.
>>1486415 >Or more specifically to the topic at hand, not so much of a concern as to not recommend a briar to a beginner. Ah I just wouldn't recommend them because they are more pricey then corncob and have a break in period. Just an opinion. Personally I would like to see if the aftershave thing is real because I remember always hearing about it when I first started.
Anyway I guess my whole point was it is easier to replace a cheap corncob over an expensive briar.
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>>1486657 >RUN you fucking brainlet It's not all bad. She's basically /out/ as a female plus I get to hunt and camp as much as I like and she expects me to.
>>1486919 >have a break in period They don't. I've never broken in any of my pipes, and neither has anyone I know. Never any issues. I have seen no argument for the break-in period that isn't fuddlore.
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Is there anything more adequate than sitting outside with your dogs, a fire in the firepit, eating sausages, and then smoking? It's the closest I can get to being in nature right now.
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>>1486937 We'll agree to disagree.
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>>1486919 Well I'm just glad I quit smoking and shaved off my beard when I turned 30.
Where do you guys get your pipes? I have a couple cobs but I want a nicer briar. I really like freehand styles but I don't want to pay a ton for them. eBay? Thrift shops?
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>>1487536 Danishpipeshop is pretty good if you're eurofag.
>>1486270 You wouldn’t think much could go wrong, but you’d be amazed.
Briar root isn’t exactly a forgiving medium when it comes to carving.
Cracks in the wood, hidden flaws, and sand pits are all common to briar root burls.
And that’s just the natural flaws. Pipes can also have holes drilled in the wrong places, spots sanded out of shape by mistake, finish too thick or too thin, and on the list goes.
For as simple as they are, there sure are a hell of a lot of fucked up ones.
>>1486343 Another reason people prefer cobs for tasting is because they don’t hold a ghost. When a cob gets too funky or stinky, just clean it out and let it sit in the sun for a day. Works like a charm.
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>>1487623 I think I messed up my pipe. maybe by soaking it in rubbing alcohol. It definitely came clean though. kek.
Lads, cigars or pipes and why?
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>>1488786 cigars because it's simpler to prepare and smoke
Madsen Maskingevær !!o9Rj2xAYif5
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>>1488786 pipes. larger varitey in flavors available, more down to earth, had a real nice cigar clerk at a cigar store that has since closed down that was nice but mostly is rich people LARPing as even richer people. at least in my experience
dont get me wrong a cigar is fucking nice tho, the uptick in price is just rarely worth it desu
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>>1488786 Depends on my mood, where i am or what im doing
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>>1488786 Cigar with company, pipe when solo.
Spring is here!
>>1488786 Pipes. More flavors, better smoking experience and much less money once you get past the startup cost.
>>1488943 pipe nail VS czech tool
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>>1488947 I just use a bullet half the time to tamp and thats all i need
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>>1488947 Czech tool has a scoop.
My pipe goes out every couple of minutes with packing lightly, sipping slowly, and tamping gently. Trying to light the tobacco more than I do leads to a burnt mouth. I’ve tried plenty of packing methods but I’ve been smoking on and off for a few years and haven’t been able t get anything to work great. I’m just trying to get the three-step method to work on some nightcap. I hate only being able to enjoy a couple minutes out of plenty more of fiddling around.
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>>1488990 Try the plug method of packing. Anyway, relighting is normal, shouldn't burn your mouth unless you're doing it literally nonstop. Adjust your smoking pace too, if you're puffing too slow for it to stay lit.
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>>1488947 Pipe nail for me. Much handier than the Czech tool, and just one bit to fiddle with vs three.
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>>1482776 >JW Yikes. I'm sorry brother I feel your pain.
>>1478524 >addictive Only as addictive as drinking coffee. Smokers who say they can't quit are low IQ people with a behavioral addiction. We don't call dirt addictive even though there's low IQ people who claim they're addicted to it.
>causes cancer It actually doesn't.
Only weak non-randomized epidemiological studies show this, which are inherently flawed given selection bias and the tendency for each cohort to select the healthfulness or harm inherent to their life. It should further be noted that these seldom correct for lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and most importantly workplace hazard risk. The final nail in the anti-smoking science's coffin is that all of soft studies are contradicted by hard evidence; there is not one study to date where the smoking group went on to get cancer at any statistically significant rate above the control group in healthy animals. Anyone who believes smoking causes cancer has not examined the evidence for themselves.
>>1488990 I’ve never been a fan of the three-step method. No matter what tobacco I use, I just can’t get it to work.
Try just doing a straight gravity fill-no excess packing-and see how your pipe likes it.
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>>1489069 >straight gravity fill Not him, but I've never understood how that is supposed to work. Unless your tobacco is broken up into very small pieces, it won't fill worth shit with gravity alone. Rubbed out flake is too big. Shag just gets caught up on itself. And even if you do get it in there, you'll only have enough tobacco to last 20 minutes tops because the density is so low.
Or am I completely missing some key element here?
>>1489061 Smoking causes cancer. Smoking anything causes cancer.
You sound like a dude weed.
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>>1489198 >Smoking causes cancer. Smoking anything causes cancer. [citation needed]
Is butane lighter a yay or nay or pipe tobacco?
>>1489251 Not an issue, just don't use a torch lighter. You should also avoid scorching the tobacco which happens when you have the flame too close to the bowl. Muttonchop piper has a great video about it on YT.
>>1488990 Your tobacco might be too moist, have you dried it out?
>>1489260 Was about to ask about torch lighter, not even holding a bit away from the backy? I wanted to kill two birds with one stone lighter for /out/ and pipe.
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>>1489275 it’s pretty dried out
Used to smoke a pipe, but have since moved to Canada. Does anyone have any Canadian retailers to buy tobacco and a nice starter pipe to get back into it? Thanks in advance!
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>>1489278 Not even, just don't. I can't physically stop you but I highly suggest you do not. Just bring a small pack of matches or a bic for the pipe instead.
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>>1489278 I’ve used a Ronson Jetlite torch lighter for both pipes and other things. Costs $5 at every Walmart in the land and works great. Especially if you wave it around the top of the tobacco quickly. The whole top of your tobacco gets lit in a second.
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>>1489278 Yes you can use a torch lighter, don't listen to that guy. Hold the lighter further back so you're not incinerating all your tobacco, and light in brief bursts while moving it around quickly. You want to expose the tobacco to as little heat as necessary to get it smoldering, and that control is achieved by limiting proximity and exposure to the jet of flame.
If anything, a torch lighter gives you more control over this than a soft flame, because the flame is strongly directional and has a well defined heat gradient. I use a soft flame because I got a nice lighter as a present, but plenty of folks use torch lighters.
>>1489339 4noggins. Unless you enjoy paying more than double the price, buy from the US. Keep your orders under 7oz or so, and definitely under $100, and the odds of customs taxing it are incredibly slim. Plus, those guys know how to ship to Canada. Last order I got was labeled "packing supplies", which to be fair, was technically correct.
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