>>1501996>>1500179-Cheap military Backpack 55 - 65 L 1700g ( realy don't know Salom or so)
-Sleeping bag Arctic Loftra 1900 g
-Thermarest Z Light chair/groundsheet/sleeping pad ~ 200g
-Military Biwak 3 Layers Miltec 960g
-Poncho Tarp Ripstop 2,5 m x 2 m or so 700g
-Laplander Kife (~Mora)
-Laplander Folding Saw
-Bic lighter
-Tatonka Alcohol Stove and 800ml Pot
-500 ml Oliv Ethyl Container/Bottle
-Water Filter Sawyer Mini
-Water PET Bottle 1 L
-Water Bubble Ortlieb 2 L
-Crossbow Pistol 1,6 kg
-Scope 4 x 20
-Crossbow Bolts Carbon and Alu 10x
-Food bag
-My Chinese 6,99 € Camouflage cap
-Pepper Spray 100 ml anti Dog Spray Police strengh
Power Pond Solar Modul 2,5 mah
Flashlight Powerbank 21000 Ah
5 L foldable Bucket
Microfibre Towl
Military Towl Mask/Hat/Bandana
(Shit-Kit) Toilet paper
Waterproofed Matches
Something to sharpen Tips and Knife
Sorry for late reply