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[22 / 8 / ?]

No.1493506 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I unironically want to make a prepper website that has all the stuff necessary for prepping for anything in a convenient location. Kind of, in theory, the Amazon of prepping without all the extra Amazon bullshit. Offering the ability to pay in cash too somehow, but that is down the road. Something discreet that won't try to upsell you or scare you into preparing for anything but allows you to do so. No, "IF YOU DON'T BUY THIS ONE SIMPLE THING YOU WILL DIE" because I hate that shit. No identifying boxes or anything to let anyone know what you're getting in the mail. Just a simple place to get stuff without all the bullshit.

What should I include? So far I have in mind

>military manuals for surviving
>general books on surviving
>maybe clothing if i can find some surplus stuff
>equipment but same as above

I don't know what I'm talking about. I just woke up and can't go back to sleep. I can sell SKSs so people can go innawoods. Only SKSs.