>>1503773This is a great book I bought that will help you with learning to identify mushrooms...
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/160469730X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1don't be retarded, it takes more than a picture to identify mushrooms, especially gilled shrooms. There could be dozens of different species that look the exact same and can each range from edible, trippy, and extremely poisonous.
mushroom poisoning is often untreatable, especially because most doctors don't have the knowledge to identify the type of mushroom, and by the time it takes to analyse a blood sample, you will have died. Some toxins are completely untreatable, and you will die if ingest them.
Gilled mushrooms have some of the deadliest species of all mushrooms, and there can be thousands of similar gilled species in the area. most of them are not edible.
On top of that, many generally edible mushrooms can become deadly if eaten with certain foods, medicine, and alcohol. Some also can be host to other types of mushrooms that grow and feed on the host mushroom, these can be very deadly, and easily over looked.
If you're trolling fuck you.