>>1517553That´s only one method of hunting, and it come from France. It has been abandons over time,, it mostly disappeared before WWI and now is even banned as unethical in Central Europe
>>1516367The way you hunt in Europe is you just pack your caliber .300-something semi-auto rifle, go to a hunting ground and then lie in wait or stalk in a promising area, choose a specimen that looks weak or not particularly well developed ( you´re supposed to leave the good looking and robust, alpha ones,alone, generally to promote the good health of the population.)
Then you try for a clean kill through the lungs/ heart, tag your quarry with the
legally mandated tag (think like farm animals) to prove you´re not a poacher, then dress it and bring it with you.
Group hunts are much the same except you have to be a member of a hunting club or get invited to hunt. For the occasion you dress up in a green coat and a brimmed hat, work in formation with other hunters and follow the huntmaster´s directions. There is a bunch more ceremony about it, there might be some brass music, but it mostly is the same thing.