[49 / 5 / ?]
>be me, sharing unorthodox opinion with real life acquaintance
>when opinion is found offensive i am told i "belong on /pol/"
>curiosity drives me to discover 4chan and that board
>find i dont belong on /pol/, flee to /k/
>someone there mentions /out/
>wow, is this a peaceful places that gifts me with new knowledge of the things i enjoy on a daily basis
How far did you have to dig before finding /out/?
>when opinion is found offensive i am told i "belong on /pol/"
>curiosity drives me to discover 4chan and that board
>find i dont belong on /pol/, flee to /k/
>someone there mentions /out/
>wow, is this a peaceful places that gifts me with new knowledge of the things i enjoy on a daily basis
How far did you have to dig before finding /out/?