>>154660http://www.thepathfinderstore.com/I live in Europe, but I still use his site to get inspiration for making my own stuff. I'm still looking for a cup that fits over my 1200ml KleanKanteen. You might be better of buying the bottle-cup combo directly off his site. Saves you money and time.
Even though he advertises his store and products in his YT videos he also gives alternatives so that is not so bad. Also the products he sells are from good quality (for what I've heard) and not overly expensive (going by the bottle+cup combo).
I pretty much grew up with Ray Mears' series. And because that is presented in documentary-style it has barely any BS like those modern shows have. However it still has parts of "look how beautiful nature is" and so goes off-topic sometimes (which I don't mind at all). When I found Daves YT channel I liked it because he is so to-the-point. He gives the information directly to you, shows how to do something/ make something, gives you a small tool list and alternatives. All this while keeping it "common man": affordable, focused on durability and usability and giving a difference in survivability and sustainability.
Personally I've learned a lot from him. I use the "5 c's" as the base for my camping equipment, which has served me pretty well.
I can suggest his video's to everyone, however different people have different approaches to going innawoods. I'm a bit of a geardo (however minimalist) so I like this approach. Some people like to get even closer to nature and so take the Cody Lundin route. There is no one right way of doing something like this, it is dictated by your skills and personality (beside the situation of course).