>>1552130Ausfag here.
Here you can just drive a few hours into the bush, set up camp and find gemstones lying on the fucking ground. At worst you dig a meter or two down.
But the good spots are all kept secret, when someone finds an area with emeralds or what have you they go to extreme lengths to keep it secret.
>be camping with friends>we're way off the beaten track>like literally drove through a forest, off the road, pushing over saplings and such with the bullbar>hoping we dont lose the landrover in an abandoned mineshaft because they're everywhere>couple of nights of good times, beers, typical camping trip>didnt take any of our fossicking stuff but there's shit lying on the rocky ground everywhere>we hike to a nearby ghost town which we explore>one day when hiking come across another campsite>camp looks like they've been there a good couple of weeks>that's weird, the ranger who passed through the other day said we were the only ones in the whole state forest>it's a middle-aged couple, digging a good 2m x 5m hole, about 2 ft deep>make awkward small talk>tension the whole time>fossicking comes up>the husband instantly gets visibly irritated>the wife is avoiding eye contact>his hand reaching for his back pocket>"hey you guys find anything?>".....no">instantly bad vibes>"ok cool, you guys have a nice day">we leave them>back at our campsite our fossicker friend is 100% sure they found somethingto be fair if I found something good and 3 hungover bogans came stumbling out of the woods I'd be panicking too.