>>1564515Not even fucking close to true you goddamn mongoloid cuck.
Right off the bat, vaccines aren't 100% successful. Not all of them guarantee full and total immunity from catching a disease. Oddly enough, the fact that 2/10 of your friends "caught lyme disease" from it would actually fit the 78% success rate the vaccine had in preventing lyme. Additionally, if they didn't receive the full treatment schedule of 3 shots, the efficacy would have been even lower. Regardless of the semantics you could do around that (not all of your friends would have been exposed to lyme, etc), it's important to note that the Lymerix vaccine was never touted to provide full immunity.
Second, you cannot catch a disease from a vaccine. Let me repeat that.
>YOU CANNOT CATCH A DISEASE FROM THE VACCINE PREVENTING THAT DISEASE Lymerix was a recombinant vaccine, meaning they only took the pieces of the outer bacteria your immune system would respond to during injection. There were no live bacteria in the vaccine.
Additionally, the complaint most consumers had about the vaccine wasn't that they contracted lime; it was that it was causing arthritis-like symptoms. However, a study that looked into it showed the incidence of arthritis was equal to the general population on average (see Lathrop, S.L., Ball, R., Haber, P., et al. Adverse event reports following vaccination for Lyme disease: December 1998–July 2000. Vaccine. 2002;20:1603-1608). It also did not find any proof that it was "giving Lyme disease" because that is nonsense.
I know I'm replying to bait here but anti-vaxx fucking grinds my gears and every faggot in this thread who knows about this story should have this goddamn information.