>>1559678>it seems implausible but...I figured the glowing might be some sort of kelp or fish, it was definitely a very low pulsating bioluminescence. The flash, I don't know. I thought it was lightning at first, but there were clear skies and no thunder, just brilliantly bright light.
>I get the feeling I'm listening to emotions off of others, especially animalsSo I guess I get to lose the argument that I shouldn't be on meds...
I get those all the time. When I was a teen, my mother went on a vacation for two weeks and I was home by myself. I was planning on cleaning up before she got home, but not before then. I was hanging out with a friend, got super sick to my stomach and told him I had to go home and clean up the house right then, rushed home, found out she'd gotten home right when I got that feeling. Also, I paced and chain-smoked for two hours once when I was younger, then later found out my gf at the time cheated on me (dumped that bitch). Also, I frequently think of people right before they call or text, especially if why they're calling is something with a strong emotion attached to it. It'd be hard to prove, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that some of those "this isn't the right place to sleep" feels were subconsciously picking up on presence of predatory or territorial animals nearby.
>>1559683>sounds of upset crows in the background, and this general uneasinessDo you have mountain lions in your area?